Is it July already?

Friday, July 5, 2013

    Where did June go? Wasn't it just here? July has just snuck right on up on me! Really, it seems as if it was just the beginning of June- now that is gone and past, right off into the sunset.
     I’m probably talking crazy. I’ve been on about 5 different meds, trying to get over this exceptionally weird cold. Last Saturday, as I left the beach with a massive sunburn on my shoulders I realized, with a great deal of astonishment, that I had a cold. What on this earth; who leaves the blazing, stifling heat with a cold? The answer, my friends, is me.
    But, I’ll quit complaining, there have been many great moments to which I would like to attempt to capture the highlights in writing.


- The best day of the work week! It makes me feel so good to bustle out of their knowing my two day weekend is up ahead, especially when it is payday!
-I left for the beach to babysit the two most wonderful set of boys that I know- my first cousins, who-I-somewhat-obsess-over, WL and Colebug!
-We went to watch Monsters University, my favorite summer movie thus far! Both boys sat in my lap for about 30 minutes apiece as I snuggled and kissed them.

-I was able to catch my first few rays of beach sunshine since living in Florida! How strange is that? I haven’t even traveled the 25 minutes from my apartment to the beach!
            -As I left my two favorite boys, little bitty Cole fell asleep in my arms.
            -Graham performed his first baptism! Actually I stayed at home and missed it because I wasn’t feeling well. I’m still proud of my beautiful husband!
            -We ate Rita’s for the first time! Graham got mango and pear (that man and his weird cravings) Italian ice, and I got Cotton Candy with Nerd’s. Delicious!
            -The Las Brisas crew went night swimming with us. So fun!
            -I realize that I have a cold with an intensely gross cough.
            -Graham’s best friend Billy and his wife Rheanne came to stay at our house. Graham has been dreaming of this moment since we first got married, he loves spending time with him, especially since they’ve moved to Iowa for school. It was also a nice opportunity for me to be able to really meet Rheanne!

            -Graham received a new calling! 2nd Counselor to the Elder’s Quorum President
            -Our friend, Brandon, was baptized by our other friend, Sunny. It was the largest baptism I’ve ever attended, also I think it was the best one too. There was such an outpouring of love in the talks, testimonies and, of course, the baptism itself. I truly wish I could have the opportunity to attend a YSA branch (but then again, going there on a visit Is how I met my man, so it was probably for the best that I didn’t!).
            -Billy and Rheanne stayed with us again. We actually stayed up til 1:30 chatting and telling stories. It was actually lots of fun and I didn’t regret it in the morning.

            -I went in to work.
           -It rained so hard that I couldn’t see on the interstate. I was going about 20 mph and praying simulanteously.
            -I uploaded one of my favorite photos on Instagram  to date (@ldslacey, by the way), a montage of me.
            -Graham played video games with Jared as I watched, coughed and nearly died wheezing.


            -Work again, but my cold worsened and I was miserable while I was there.
            -We went to Institute! Typically I don’t enjoy Institute anymore (when I compare it to the one at home) because there are about 60+ members but no one really goes out of their way to talk to me, so I follow behind Graham like a forlorn puppy. But our teacher taught a great lesson and we left immediately afterwards so I didn’t have to endure the lack of social interaction.
            -Olive Garden to make me feel better! Ya'll should know I love the OG. We brought home 4 plates of food, fyi.



            -Woke up feeling horrible! Took my Delsym, stat.
            - I had to buy the materials for our Faith in God lesson.
            -I offered a special birthday shout to my sweet Uncle Luke!
            -The actual Faith in God lesson! I planned on doing a “cake decorating” theme. It went pretty well! I baked 4 mini cakes for the two girls and us two leaders. Then we made fondant together, to help make various decorations for our cakes. The girls had a fun time coloring their icing and fondant, they even wanted to try tie-dyeing! In the end their cakes looked so cute.



            -Happy Independence Day! I love you, America!
           -We met up with 8 of Graham’s best friends to go tubing! I’ll usually complain about the water but dangit if I don’t loooove going tubing.
-After taking about 4 types of medication and packing one for the trip, we set off down the Itchetucknee River. Most rented intertubes to enjoy the experience but I wasn’t trifling with my sickness so I rented a huge raft to protect my hide. I was fully prepared for the day with a huge floppy hat and remotely stylish glasses.
            -As we visited a tucked away area called Blue Springs, which was way too cold for me to risk getting in, it began a massive downpour! My hat was drenched (typically my luck) and twice was nearly sucked away by the current. We did sneak in a few group pictures which I will post at a later time.
            -After the rain quit, we began the end of our tubing journey. I turned into a full blown sourpuss as the wind began, the hairs on my arm stood up and my stomach began growingly intensely. The only thing I was happy about was that Graham jumped in my raft and began to paddle for me.
            -Finally that trip ended, as a gigantic beach towel waited for me next to a bag of Dill Pickle chips.
            -On the trip home we stopped to add more fireworks to our friends’ collection. Graham bought a ridiculous amount of bottle rockets and I requested 3 foot Sparklers!
            -We popped off fireworks! From about 8:30 til 11, I would say. Everyone had fun and seemed to sustain some type of injury...


            -I’m off, Graham’s working and I’m enjoying typing up this blog


    One day I hope to really become an excellent writer, with a list of popular books trailing behind my name. I guess that is part of why I like blogging, just so that I can feel that I am trying to work at it, to better myself… but also I do it because I truly love to write, I love the satisfaction of reading something that I wrote and feeling that it may be seen as interesting or even intriguing. Sometimes it is a little discouraging to see that only 23 people may view a particular post, it makes me take a step back and wonder why do I even allow myself the freedom of writing to a public audience? But most days I am totally satisfactory with it, just happy to be able to have access to do such a thing! I actually came across an excellent quote from a famous writer, and I can’t help but smile at how accurate it can be. “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. ” (Ernest Hemingway)

1 comment:

  1. FYI -Lacey, I love reading your blog!! So don't ever get discouraged - if nothing else your posterity will be able to read it and see what a fun-loving and spiritual person you are!!! Your outlook and attitude on life really does inspire me to look for humor and goodness in all the "little" moments!! You ought to print out these posts and begin a journal book!! Hope to see ya soon!!


Is it July already?

Friday, July 5, 2013

    Where did June go? Wasn't it just here? July has just snuck right on up on me! Really, it seems as if it was just the beginning of June- now that is gone and past, right off into the sunset.
     I’m probably talking crazy. I’ve been on about 5 different meds, trying to get over this exceptionally weird cold. Last Saturday, as I left the beach with a massive sunburn on my shoulders I realized, with a great deal of astonishment, that I had a cold. What on this earth; who leaves the blazing, stifling heat with a cold? The answer, my friends, is me.
    But, I’ll quit complaining, there have been many great moments to which I would like to attempt to capture the highlights in writing.


- The best day of the work week! It makes me feel so good to bustle out of their knowing my two day weekend is up ahead, especially when it is payday!
-I left for the beach to babysit the two most wonderful set of boys that I know- my first cousins, who-I-somewhat-obsess-over, WL and Colebug!
-We went to watch Monsters University, my favorite summer movie thus far! Both boys sat in my lap for about 30 minutes apiece as I snuggled and kissed them.

-I was able to catch my first few rays of beach sunshine since living in Florida! How strange is that? I haven’t even traveled the 25 minutes from my apartment to the beach!
            -As I left my two favorite boys, little bitty Cole fell asleep in my arms.
            -Graham performed his first baptism! Actually I stayed at home and missed it because I wasn’t feeling well. I’m still proud of my beautiful husband!
            -We ate Rita’s for the first time! Graham got mango and pear (that man and his weird cravings) Italian ice, and I got Cotton Candy with Nerd’s. Delicious!
            -The Las Brisas crew went night swimming with us. So fun!
            -I realize that I have a cold with an intensely gross cough.
            -Graham’s best friend Billy and his wife Rheanne came to stay at our house. Graham has been dreaming of this moment since we first got married, he loves spending time with him, especially since they’ve moved to Iowa for school. It was also a nice opportunity for me to be able to really meet Rheanne!

            -Graham received a new calling! 2nd Counselor to the Elder’s Quorum President
            -Our friend, Brandon, was baptized by our other friend, Sunny. It was the largest baptism I’ve ever attended, also I think it was the best one too. There was such an outpouring of love in the talks, testimonies and, of course, the baptism itself. I truly wish I could have the opportunity to attend a YSA branch (but then again, going there on a visit Is how I met my man, so it was probably for the best that I didn’t!).
            -Billy and Rheanne stayed with us again. We actually stayed up til 1:30 chatting and telling stories. It was actually lots of fun and I didn’t regret it in the morning.

            -I went in to work.
           -It rained so hard that I couldn’t see on the interstate. I was going about 20 mph and praying simulanteously.
            -I uploaded one of my favorite photos on Instagram  to date (@ldslacey, by the way), a montage of me.
            -Graham played video games with Jared as I watched, coughed and nearly died wheezing.


            -Work again, but my cold worsened and I was miserable while I was there.
            -We went to Institute! Typically I don’t enjoy Institute anymore (when I compare it to the one at home) because there are about 60+ members but no one really goes out of their way to talk to me, so I follow behind Graham like a forlorn puppy. But our teacher taught a great lesson and we left immediately afterwards so I didn’t have to endure the lack of social interaction.
            -Olive Garden to make me feel better! Ya'll should know I love the OG. We brought home 4 plates of food, fyi.



            -Woke up feeling horrible! Took my Delsym, stat.
            - I had to buy the materials for our Faith in God lesson.
            -I offered a special birthday shout to my sweet Uncle Luke!
            -The actual Faith in God lesson! I planned on doing a “cake decorating” theme. It went pretty well! I baked 4 mini cakes for the two girls and us two leaders. Then we made fondant together, to help make various decorations for our cakes. The girls had a fun time coloring their icing and fondant, they even wanted to try tie-dyeing! In the end their cakes looked so cute.



            -Happy Independence Day! I love you, America!
           -We met up with 8 of Graham’s best friends to go tubing! I’ll usually complain about the water but dangit if I don’t loooove going tubing.
-After taking about 4 types of medication and packing one for the trip, we set off down the Itchetucknee River. Most rented intertubes to enjoy the experience but I wasn’t trifling with my sickness so I rented a huge raft to protect my hide. I was fully prepared for the day with a huge floppy hat and remotely stylish glasses.
            -As we visited a tucked away area called Blue Springs, which was way too cold for me to risk getting in, it began a massive downpour! My hat was drenched (typically my luck) and twice was nearly sucked away by the current. We did sneak in a few group pictures which I will post at a later time.
            -After the rain quit, we began the end of our tubing journey. I turned into a full blown sourpuss as the wind began, the hairs on my arm stood up and my stomach began growingly intensely. The only thing I was happy about was that Graham jumped in my raft and began to paddle for me.
            -Finally that trip ended, as a gigantic beach towel waited for me next to a bag of Dill Pickle chips.
            -On the trip home we stopped to add more fireworks to our friends’ collection. Graham bought a ridiculous amount of bottle rockets and I requested 3 foot Sparklers!
            -We popped off fireworks! From about 8:30 til 11, I would say. Everyone had fun and seemed to sustain some type of injury...


            -I’m off, Graham’s working and I’m enjoying typing up this blog


    One day I hope to really become an excellent writer, with a list of popular books trailing behind my name. I guess that is part of why I like blogging, just so that I can feel that I am trying to work at it, to better myself… but also I do it because I truly love to write, I love the satisfaction of reading something that I wrote and feeling that it may be seen as interesting or even intriguing. Sometimes it is a little discouraging to see that only 23 people may view a particular post, it makes me take a step back and wonder why do I even allow myself the freedom of writing to a public audience? But most days I am totally satisfactory with it, just happy to be able to have access to do such a thing! I actually came across an excellent quote from a famous writer, and I can’t help but smile at how accurate it can be. “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. ” (Ernest Hemingway)

1 comment:

  1. FYI -Lacey, I love reading your blog!! So don't ever get discouraged - if nothing else your posterity will be able to read it and see what a fun-loving and spiritual person you are!!! Your outlook and attitude on life really does inspire me to look for humor and goodness in all the "little" moments!! You ought to print out these posts and begin a journal book!! Hope to see ya soon!!
