Temple, Zoo, Who Diddly Brown

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

    Wow! That is the best way that I can think of to describe my three day vacation (Saturday to Monday, I am a few days behind). It was a wonderful time, I was pretty giddy thinking about how it my very last vacation with just the six of us.
     Our first stop was to Orlando on Saturday morning. So, originally, we figured that since it was Spring Break for everyone it would be fine to travel down on Friday night and stay for a few days to spend time together. Well Friday rolled around and suddenly it was 4, 5, 6 o'clock! Then everyone began to do the math- if we left at 6 it would be about 10:30 before getting there, if we didn't stop to eat. And if we did stay we'd have to leave about 8 because I had some pre-wedding things to do. Finally, we decided that we would have to leave really early on Saturday morning, to make my appointment at the Orlando Temple.
    Everyone began nodding off with the promise of an early morning drive. Typically, I was struggling to make myself sleep when it actually was important that I sleep! I tried to imagine a white room with white furniture, count sheep backwards and pray that I will have enough energy to complete all of my many tasks. 1 am rolls around and I doze off- hallelujah!! Well, 2:40 am my alarm is going off like crazy, ringing right next to my ear. So up the Mizell's go, off to Orlando bright and early. After many grueling hours of family time, we finally arrive at the Temple! My friends, my friends- it was marvelous; the most serene place I can imagine. Even trying to describe it, I fail at finding adequate words- perhaps this picture will help where I am weak...

    And, just think, I am getting married here in the Lord's house. (girly sigh) I can hardly believe it. Entering the Temple was another great experience; I am so blessed to be a Latter- Day Saint. It was a memorable experience with my family, my future family and Graham.
    Our trip ended up lasting three days, to Listi's dismay. With her feelings aside, everyone had a great time with all that we did. Granger, my sweet, petite little brother kept saying, "Well Who Diddly Brown!" Reading that phrase may not envoke the full hilarity of its' nature, but trust me, it is there. We barely had anything planned, instead we just kind of went with the flow- that is the best way to do anything really. Along with our temple trip we spent the day in Orlando, rode up to Jacksonville, looked at the outside of my apartment (no key, ugh), allowed Graham to chauffer us around,checked out the Landing, went to the flea market, picked up a steal on a new chair for me and spent a day at the zoo!    
    The zoo. Oh the awesome time I had at the zoo. Let me quickly begin by saying that it was not because of the exotic animals so unintrigued by my presence. Nope, the best part was my family: Jake, Michelle, Listi, Acey and Granger. Each of these five are characters; but mostly, they're gun-slinging, knife- weilding outlaws. I mean that in the best way possible, I truly do. As soon as we got in line for tickets Daddy and my brothers almost passed out when they noticed there were ripe Japanese Plums on the trees. Well, these bad boys were all over the park. Anyone who knows Daddy, Acey and Granger knows that they didn't possess one ounce of shame at picking them off and eating them right there in the zoo. After first shunning them, my stomach began to growl and I thought how lovely the fat yellow plums looked and what do you know? Those were the best, most tart plums I ever placed in my mouth! And to think I almost missed them.
    Another thing about my family is the way in which we present ourselves. Now usually everyone is (in my mind at least) pretty average, seasonally thoughtful and able to share in a few good laughs. But under the façade, there lies our primative nature. To be more honest they are "hoodlums." I'd like to think that everyone has their moments of this kind of craziness. About the third or fourth animal we looked at, I knew that there was going to be lots and lots of weirdness. Everyone knows that zoo animals, while great to look at and to help imagine being a safari explorer, are no longer phased by their human counterparts due to so much exposure. My brothers did not take this lightly. They, along with my father, screened the area to be sure there weren't visitors in close sight, and would catcall or screech or howl or yell in whatever animal-like language they thought the animal possessed. To every single animal. It was a sight; I was somewhere in the middle of "highly embarrassed" and "amazingly proud." They are the funniest, most fun and best entertainers I know! I love being a Mizell. :)
  Now, please proceed to checkout a few pictures from the trip.

Zoo trip. Everyone looking a lil rough after 3 days on the road.

Please forgive this super awkward picture of me and check out the gators in the back!

Graham had to work, but I still managed to find his name and high school on a sign at the zoo. Weird

If you look closely you'll notice the outstretched hand from my new friend, after I extended mine!

Hoodrats after the black bear. Notice Acey trying to shake a limb, and Granger& Daddy crouching down, ready to pounce. I can't take them anywhere! Meanwhile I hear: "Meeeeeorw. Woooooolfff. Yupppyuck."

My Top 5 on Moving

Thursday, March 21, 2013

    Okay guys, I have to be brutally honest. I am getting married in 22 days. I'm excited right? Right. However,sometimes I get to thinking about what this encapsules. I think I have finally listed it down to my top 5. 1) I am now able to be fully attached at the hip to Graham, forever. 2) I am moving to Jacksonville, Florida. 3) I am moving away from all familiarity, family and friends. 4.) I am moving to a city with a million people. 5.) I'm moving.
      If anyone is reading my list, I'm serious. I have always lived in Douglas, more specifically, I have always lived in the same house. Moving away is a huge deal to me; I've never been one that have a burning passion to leave my small beloved town- quite the contrare really. .Yet, I'm proud to be pushing out of my comfort zone, this is an intense period of my life. If the question every arises there is always a crazy response or two. Everyone either pats me on the back saying "it's not that far!" or either slaps a hand over their mouth "Oh no! Why there?"
        There is an eerily creeping feeling seeping into the cracks of my absolution. I desperately wish that I was born with a "traveling gene." But I wasn't so I know I will have to cope with missing my family, the ability to see my friends instantly, the serene familiarity of streets in Douglas. Does anyone have any advice for a girl like me? If so, tell me all you know. If not, I would greatly appreciate it if I was in your prayers, even if it is just for the simple peace of mind.
    To anyone who may question my move? First and foremost, my # 1 defeats everything else that I've mentioned. I am fully devoted to him; even moreso, I feel that I am absolutely doing what Lord wants. So there is no doubt that I should move. I am, without question. But it isn't quite as easy to psych myself into it. Knowing that I am starting out fresh with my most favorite best friend in the entire world, who I love so dearly, is an immense help. I have told him many times that without him. I don't know if I would have the courage to do it! I am so excited though, despite all of my fruitless worries, I know what things will work out. After all, I have got my testimony, my loved ones and my baby boy; what more could I want? (Just please don't say baby or I'll want one of those too.)

Time is almost up!

When I think of Love

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    I think it is safe to say that I have publically labeled myself as stingy,as a bargain shopper and a lover of all good sales. And I know I promised not to dedicate too much of my attention to my beloved, but this time I have to share.
    Well, I must be honest, finding a man who loves a sale is one of the most attractive traits in my mind!  Of course, one who will never spend a dime isn't exactly what I had in mind. No, no no! That won't do! What I mean is the type that of man who is frugal in his daily living, who seeks for deals to save himself that extra penny, but who still allows himself to occassionally splurge upon his lady. Oh my dear friends, I must confess, I have found the man who does just that. He makes my heart sing; his name is Graham. He looks like this:

That's a real wooden heart.

    One of my favorite things about my sweet angel is the fact that he is also a cheapskate! For real folks. Don't think so? Lets reflect: I was spouting off my intention to create my own headboard and bedframe (because I am, under no circumstances, putting a huge mount of money into an expensive frame to be partially covered by a bedskirt. At least not now)  when he suddenly interrupted---
"Hold up, no. We have a mattress, we have the boxsprings. We don't need a bedframe."
"So... what? You want us to sleep on the floor?"
"The floor? We won't be on the floor- we have the mattress!!!"
 "Um... Graham it is only forty dollars!"
  "Oh! Now you're speaking my kind of language!"

    What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man.

Presents Galore

Sunday, March 17, 2013

    I have been half crazy all week. Really. So "March Madness" has been found to be completely true. This month, and remember it is only halfway through, I have had two showers, had to complete all of my school work, had to worry about prewedding things (thank you notes, getting my dress fitted, finalization on everything else) and I was asked to give a talk at church. It reminds me of a quote from the Lord of the Rings where he says his prolonged life has made him feel like butter that has been stretched too far. However, I only have to think of the fantastic ending to this whole shebang (husband, degree, happiness) to get over my depression. Okay, so I'm also an exaggerator, oh well.
    But there is nothing like having an utterly exhausting week just to be wrapped up by an awesome weekend. Saturday was my second shower. I had one at my church March 2nd, but to lighten the financial load on the hosts we decided to have two, with extended family at one and church members at another. I have to be honest, I feel loved. I have had such an outpouring of kindness and have been so blessed. Graham and I have so many new wonderful items for our home. So to anyone who has been kind enough to get come to our showers or even keep us in your prayers, I truly can't thank you enough. I don't know if I can express enough gratitude for all everyone has done. Yet, I must extend an extravagently big "Thank You!" to my Mama, my mother- in- law, my aunts, my grandmothers and my new grandmothers- in-law. They are spoiling us :) But, I am thankful for everything! (FUN FACT: My surprise gift this weekend was a washing machine from my Mama and Aunt Tracey! I LOVE YA'LL!)

    Today, Sunday, I offered my last talk as a member of the Douglas II ward. It was absolutely a bitter sweet moment. I will truly miss all of the amazing men, women and children I have grown to love. I am so at home at the ward that I dreaded moving to when I was 12. Luckily, we switched wards anyways and, you know what? It was the right thing to do, and I feel that I have blossomed.

  Thankfully, things always work out for the best. I hope everyone else has a marvelous Sabbath day! I, for one, am glad to be able to enjoy this great day...

You guys know I am a crier! I was so excited for my washing machine.

Madness at the Shower!
Mama and myself at my first shower!

Sick Day

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Today has been a day I have looked forward to. It marked the one month mark for my wedding countdown! Also, I had made an appointment to get some dental work that I am eager to overcome (please forgive me for sounding super strange, I am pretty terrified of the multiple shots he ALWAYS gives).
    Six hours into this morning Listi, who I share a room with, turned the lights on as she got ready for Seminary. Typically I can sleep through just about anything (rainnstorms, bear maulings and the like)  but not today. I couldn't shut my eyes, I couldn't get everyone's voices out of my head, I couldn't do anything but lay there wide awake wishing I wasn't. Then it hit me- that rare feeling when you know you're going to be really, really sick. I don't know about anyone else but I have this disgusting salivating tongue thing happen, which is a sure sign that my day is going to be crappy. Sure enough all day I've been vomiting, sleeping and holding a rag over my own head.
   In short, I slept through my appointment. I haven't been able to complete the extensive amount of homework that I needed to do. I haven't been able to be ~productive~. Recently that a feeling that I love to have. How great is it when a daunting list is before you and you accomplish each task? Relish it, my friends, be thankful for your health and strength.
    Maybe Thoreau was right when he said, "tis healthy to be sick sometimes." On the plus side, it is only one month before my big move to Florida with my husband! I can hardly wait. Maybe by then I will have really cool stories to share that don't involve dental appointments :)

Youtube's Finest

Monday, March 11, 2013

   Have any of you ever spent an obscenely amount of time doing nothing, all the while time is passing by without your knowledge? Well, yesterday that happened.
    I just got home from church, was lazing up in my bed when I found a video of a soldier surprising his children who didn't know he had come home early from a tour. Imagine their joy! I love our military men and women and I couldn't help but feel so sorry for their children who question for months if their parent will return. In tribute to their creativity, I deemed this the best compilation video I found came from this link. (Remember all of the RED words are links to other videos.) This went viral about 3 years ago, but I still was overcome with emotion as I rewatched it! Haha, so PLEASE have a box of tissues at your side before you watch. And don't think that you won't need them- tryna be all tough and whatnot. You're going to cry; just watch. Oh yeah, there is a scripture from the Pearl of Great Price at the end. :)
    After about an hour of those, I found pregnancy surprise videos. So, I did a little switch-a-roo and began watching video after video after video. My little head went to swimming with great ways to tell everyone when it happens! My favorite first time mother reminded me so much of myself. Just watch her and see if there are any similarities. This is precisely how I see myself acted when I plan to tell Graham: Happy New Mom. Then I began to think, well should only the first baby have a special announcement? Each kid needs their own entrance to the world! Baby number 2, might look a little like:  Big Sister! And, oh yeah, I hope Graham will scream with excitement like that Daddy! AHH I AM SO EXCITED EVEN IN THESE HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIOS. But I got big dreams, people. I want lots and lots and lots of babies. I want a swarm of brunettes with big ears that will carry on the family name, I want them bad. Literally living on a prayer that one day I can have my Mama's reaction be like this: There's another thing? That is right, bring on the twins. Although, that is highly unlikely since I don't have any closely related multiples :( A girl can dream, right!
    Anyways, I am a few years from babies right now (I'm not even married yet!) but it was so fun, emotional and hilarious to watch the way these girls did things! I hope everyone loves these videos the way that I did! :)


Friday, March 8, 2013

    It's Friday! If you want to have an excellent friday, please click on the first sentence. Sit back, crank the speakers us and be thankful Rebecca Black has put an awkward smile upon your face by relishing in the same joyous day that you do!
    Seriously people, fridays are the best. No matter how the week has been, it is so great to let it end with a spectactular two- day holiday! But I have had a good week, despite dreading my schoolwork which is due THIS month! It is true that when it rains, it pours. Our have the wedding in 36 days, my school work is due at the end of this month and Graham's Series 7 test is next month- we are both getting run ragged. No one has any idea how thankful I will be when everything is complete. However, we are continually getting good news (answers to my prayers). Our mattress ordeal was solved, and we have just been approved to get into a rental property we are interested in! I can hardly contain my excitement! There is a silver lining to anything. Thank goodness for that!
     I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Haha! This is amazing.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

    Does everyone question their sanity? Or am I just a weirdo? The latter probably. Okay, so, technically I am not having a typical 'wedding.' I'm tying the knot inside of a LDS Temple- which is nixing all of the hoopla of a true wedding. But I am having a Reception to be able to share the time with my beloved family and friends; since there will be a Reception, I am going to have a few of the traditional things going on.
 The underlying theme for my Reception has got to be "DIY'. For all of you who aren't as Pinterest- savvy it stands for "Do It Yourself." It didn't start out that way, no, it didn't. But I found myself checking the prices of things and that is when I knew that I should at least give it a shot at making a thing or two. And so it began: I blinged out a chalkboard, I painted a few things, I sowed, I stoned, I labored over my craft. And, boy, did I feel CRAFTY when I had that final result.
Then there was the time I hot glued my fingers together with the high- temp glue gun (multiple times), or when I spent over 5 hours stoning one heel, or when I bought 200 bubbles to design for our exit- that is when I felt CRAZY.

My BRIDE goblet I stoned!

    But, overall, I love making things. I love showing off a project that has weighed on my mind until I tackled it. I love holding it up, with a hint of a quiver in my voice, as I explain the hardships associated with it, yet how willing I was to do it. So, to answer my own creepy question, I like to think that I'm crazily crafty or craftily crazy- whatever ;)

Bilbo Bagginses

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

For a bit of inspiration on this Tuesday night...

 -“You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.”

Temple, Zoo, Who Diddly Brown

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

    Wow! That is the best way that I can think of to describe my three day vacation (Saturday to Monday, I am a few days behind). It was a wonderful time, I was pretty giddy thinking about how it my very last vacation with just the six of us.
     Our first stop was to Orlando on Saturday morning. So, originally, we figured that since it was Spring Break for everyone it would be fine to travel down on Friday night and stay for a few days to spend time together. Well Friday rolled around and suddenly it was 4, 5, 6 o'clock! Then everyone began to do the math- if we left at 6 it would be about 10:30 before getting there, if we didn't stop to eat. And if we did stay we'd have to leave about 8 because I had some pre-wedding things to do. Finally, we decided that we would have to leave really early on Saturday morning, to make my appointment at the Orlando Temple.
    Everyone began nodding off with the promise of an early morning drive. Typically, I was struggling to make myself sleep when it actually was important that I sleep! I tried to imagine a white room with white furniture, count sheep backwards and pray that I will have enough energy to complete all of my many tasks. 1 am rolls around and I doze off- hallelujah!! Well, 2:40 am my alarm is going off like crazy, ringing right next to my ear. So up the Mizell's go, off to Orlando bright and early. After many grueling hours of family time, we finally arrive at the Temple! My friends, my friends- it was marvelous; the most serene place I can imagine. Even trying to describe it, I fail at finding adequate words- perhaps this picture will help where I am weak...

    And, just think, I am getting married here in the Lord's house. (girly sigh) I can hardly believe it. Entering the Temple was another great experience; I am so blessed to be a Latter- Day Saint. It was a memorable experience with my family, my future family and Graham.
    Our trip ended up lasting three days, to Listi's dismay. With her feelings aside, everyone had a great time with all that we did. Granger, my sweet, petite little brother kept saying, "Well Who Diddly Brown!" Reading that phrase may not envoke the full hilarity of its' nature, but trust me, it is there. We barely had anything planned, instead we just kind of went with the flow- that is the best way to do anything really. Along with our temple trip we spent the day in Orlando, rode up to Jacksonville, looked at the outside of my apartment (no key, ugh), allowed Graham to chauffer us around,checked out the Landing, went to the flea market, picked up a steal on a new chair for me and spent a day at the zoo!    
    The zoo. Oh the awesome time I had at the zoo. Let me quickly begin by saying that it was not because of the exotic animals so unintrigued by my presence. Nope, the best part was my family: Jake, Michelle, Listi, Acey and Granger. Each of these five are characters; but mostly, they're gun-slinging, knife- weilding outlaws. I mean that in the best way possible, I truly do. As soon as we got in line for tickets Daddy and my brothers almost passed out when they noticed there were ripe Japanese Plums on the trees. Well, these bad boys were all over the park. Anyone who knows Daddy, Acey and Granger knows that they didn't possess one ounce of shame at picking them off and eating them right there in the zoo. After first shunning them, my stomach began to growl and I thought how lovely the fat yellow plums looked and what do you know? Those were the best, most tart plums I ever placed in my mouth! And to think I almost missed them.
    Another thing about my family is the way in which we present ourselves. Now usually everyone is (in my mind at least) pretty average, seasonally thoughtful and able to share in a few good laughs. But under the façade, there lies our primative nature. To be more honest they are "hoodlums." I'd like to think that everyone has their moments of this kind of craziness. About the third or fourth animal we looked at, I knew that there was going to be lots and lots of weirdness. Everyone knows that zoo animals, while great to look at and to help imagine being a safari explorer, are no longer phased by their human counterparts due to so much exposure. My brothers did not take this lightly. They, along with my father, screened the area to be sure there weren't visitors in close sight, and would catcall or screech or howl or yell in whatever animal-like language they thought the animal possessed. To every single animal. It was a sight; I was somewhere in the middle of "highly embarrassed" and "amazingly proud." They are the funniest, most fun and best entertainers I know! I love being a Mizell. :)
  Now, please proceed to checkout a few pictures from the trip.

Zoo trip. Everyone looking a lil rough after 3 days on the road.

Please forgive this super awkward picture of me and check out the gators in the back!

Graham had to work, but I still managed to find his name and high school on a sign at the zoo. Weird

If you look closely you'll notice the outstretched hand from my new friend, after I extended mine!

Hoodrats after the black bear. Notice Acey trying to shake a limb, and Granger& Daddy crouching down, ready to pounce. I can't take them anywhere! Meanwhile I hear: "Meeeeeorw. Woooooolfff. Yupppyuck."

My Top 5 on Moving

Thursday, March 21, 2013

    Okay guys, I have to be brutally honest. I am getting married in 22 days. I'm excited right? Right. However,sometimes I get to thinking about what this encapsules. I think I have finally listed it down to my top 5. 1) I am now able to be fully attached at the hip to Graham, forever. 2) I am moving to Jacksonville, Florida. 3) I am moving away from all familiarity, family and friends. 4.) I am moving to a city with a million people. 5.) I'm moving.
      If anyone is reading my list, I'm serious. I have always lived in Douglas, more specifically, I have always lived in the same house. Moving away is a huge deal to me; I've never been one that have a burning passion to leave my small beloved town- quite the contrare really. .Yet, I'm proud to be pushing out of my comfort zone, this is an intense period of my life. If the question every arises there is always a crazy response or two. Everyone either pats me on the back saying "it's not that far!" or either slaps a hand over their mouth "Oh no! Why there?"
        There is an eerily creeping feeling seeping into the cracks of my absolution. I desperately wish that I was born with a "traveling gene." But I wasn't so I know I will have to cope with missing my family, the ability to see my friends instantly, the serene familiarity of streets in Douglas. Does anyone have any advice for a girl like me? If so, tell me all you know. If not, I would greatly appreciate it if I was in your prayers, even if it is just for the simple peace of mind.
    To anyone who may question my move? First and foremost, my # 1 defeats everything else that I've mentioned. I am fully devoted to him; even moreso, I feel that I am absolutely doing what Lord wants. So there is no doubt that I should move. I am, without question. But it isn't quite as easy to psych myself into it. Knowing that I am starting out fresh with my most favorite best friend in the entire world, who I love so dearly, is an immense help. I have told him many times that without him. I don't know if I would have the courage to do it! I am so excited though, despite all of my fruitless worries, I know what things will work out. After all, I have got my testimony, my loved ones and my baby boy; what more could I want? (Just please don't say baby or I'll want one of those too.)

Time is almost up!

When I think of Love

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    I think it is safe to say that I have publically labeled myself as stingy,as a bargain shopper and a lover of all good sales. And I know I promised not to dedicate too much of my attention to my beloved, but this time I have to share.
    Well, I must be honest, finding a man who loves a sale is one of the most attractive traits in my mind!  Of course, one who will never spend a dime isn't exactly what I had in mind. No, no no! That won't do! What I mean is the type that of man who is frugal in his daily living, who seeks for deals to save himself that extra penny, but who still allows himself to occassionally splurge upon his lady. Oh my dear friends, I must confess, I have found the man who does just that. He makes my heart sing; his name is Graham. He looks like this:

That's a real wooden heart.

    One of my favorite things about my sweet angel is the fact that he is also a cheapskate! For real folks. Don't think so? Lets reflect: I was spouting off my intention to create my own headboard and bedframe (because I am, under no circumstances, putting a huge mount of money into an expensive frame to be partially covered by a bedskirt. At least not now)  when he suddenly interrupted---
"Hold up, no. We have a mattress, we have the boxsprings. We don't need a bedframe."
"So... what? You want us to sleep on the floor?"
"The floor? We won't be on the floor- we have the mattress!!!"
 "Um... Graham it is only forty dollars!"
  "Oh! Now you're speaking my kind of language!"

    What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man.

Presents Galore

Sunday, March 17, 2013

    I have been half crazy all week. Really. So "March Madness" has been found to be completely true. This month, and remember it is only halfway through, I have had two showers, had to complete all of my school work, had to worry about prewedding things (thank you notes, getting my dress fitted, finalization on everything else) and I was asked to give a talk at church. It reminds me of a quote from the Lord of the Rings where he says his prolonged life has made him feel like butter that has been stretched too far. However, I only have to think of the fantastic ending to this whole shebang (husband, degree, happiness) to get over my depression. Okay, so I'm also an exaggerator, oh well.
    But there is nothing like having an utterly exhausting week just to be wrapped up by an awesome weekend. Saturday was my second shower. I had one at my church March 2nd, but to lighten the financial load on the hosts we decided to have two, with extended family at one and church members at another. I have to be honest, I feel loved. I have had such an outpouring of kindness and have been so blessed. Graham and I have so many new wonderful items for our home. So to anyone who has been kind enough to get come to our showers or even keep us in your prayers, I truly can't thank you enough. I don't know if I can express enough gratitude for all everyone has done. Yet, I must extend an extravagently big "Thank You!" to my Mama, my mother- in- law, my aunts, my grandmothers and my new grandmothers- in-law. They are spoiling us :) But, I am thankful for everything! (FUN FACT: My surprise gift this weekend was a washing machine from my Mama and Aunt Tracey! I LOVE YA'LL!)

    Today, Sunday, I offered my last talk as a member of the Douglas II ward. It was absolutely a bitter sweet moment. I will truly miss all of the amazing men, women and children I have grown to love. I am so at home at the ward that I dreaded moving to when I was 12. Luckily, we switched wards anyways and, you know what? It was the right thing to do, and I feel that I have blossomed.

  Thankfully, things always work out for the best. I hope everyone else has a marvelous Sabbath day! I, for one, am glad to be able to enjoy this great day...

You guys know I am a crier! I was so excited for my washing machine.

Madness at the Shower!
Mama and myself at my first shower!

Sick Day

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Today has been a day I have looked forward to. It marked the one month mark for my wedding countdown! Also, I had made an appointment to get some dental work that I am eager to overcome (please forgive me for sounding super strange, I am pretty terrified of the multiple shots he ALWAYS gives).
    Six hours into this morning Listi, who I share a room with, turned the lights on as she got ready for Seminary. Typically I can sleep through just about anything (rainnstorms, bear maulings and the like)  but not today. I couldn't shut my eyes, I couldn't get everyone's voices out of my head, I couldn't do anything but lay there wide awake wishing I wasn't. Then it hit me- that rare feeling when you know you're going to be really, really sick. I don't know about anyone else but I have this disgusting salivating tongue thing happen, which is a sure sign that my day is going to be crappy. Sure enough all day I've been vomiting, sleeping and holding a rag over my own head.
   In short, I slept through my appointment. I haven't been able to complete the extensive amount of homework that I needed to do. I haven't been able to be ~productive~. Recently that a feeling that I love to have. How great is it when a daunting list is before you and you accomplish each task? Relish it, my friends, be thankful for your health and strength.
    Maybe Thoreau was right when he said, "tis healthy to be sick sometimes." On the plus side, it is only one month before my big move to Florida with my husband! I can hardly wait. Maybe by then I will have really cool stories to share that don't involve dental appointments :)

Youtube's Finest

Monday, March 11, 2013

   Have any of you ever spent an obscenely amount of time doing nothing, all the while time is passing by without your knowledge? Well, yesterday that happened.
    I just got home from church, was lazing up in my bed when I found a video of a soldier surprising his children who didn't know he had come home early from a tour. Imagine their joy! I love our military men and women and I couldn't help but feel so sorry for their children who question for months if their parent will return. In tribute to their creativity, I deemed this the best compilation video I found came from this link. (Remember all of the RED words are links to other videos.) This went viral about 3 years ago, but I still was overcome with emotion as I rewatched it! Haha, so PLEASE have a box of tissues at your side before you watch. And don't think that you won't need them- tryna be all tough and whatnot. You're going to cry; just watch. Oh yeah, there is a scripture from the Pearl of Great Price at the end. :)
    After about an hour of those, I found pregnancy surprise videos. So, I did a little switch-a-roo and began watching video after video after video. My little head went to swimming with great ways to tell everyone when it happens! My favorite first time mother reminded me so much of myself. Just watch her and see if there are any similarities. This is precisely how I see myself acted when I plan to tell Graham: Happy New Mom. Then I began to think, well should only the first baby have a special announcement? Each kid needs their own entrance to the world! Baby number 2, might look a little like:  Big Sister! And, oh yeah, I hope Graham will scream with excitement like that Daddy! AHH I AM SO EXCITED EVEN IN THESE HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIOS. But I got big dreams, people. I want lots and lots and lots of babies. I want a swarm of brunettes with big ears that will carry on the family name, I want them bad. Literally living on a prayer that one day I can have my Mama's reaction be like this: There's another thing? That is right, bring on the twins. Although, that is highly unlikely since I don't have any closely related multiples :( A girl can dream, right!
    Anyways, I am a few years from babies right now (I'm not even married yet!) but it was so fun, emotional and hilarious to watch the way these girls did things! I hope everyone loves these videos the way that I did! :)


Friday, March 8, 2013

    It's Friday! If you want to have an excellent friday, please click on the first sentence. Sit back, crank the speakers us and be thankful Rebecca Black has put an awkward smile upon your face by relishing in the same joyous day that you do!
    Seriously people, fridays are the best. No matter how the week has been, it is so great to let it end with a spectactular two- day holiday! But I have had a good week, despite dreading my schoolwork which is due THIS month! It is true that when it rains, it pours. Our have the wedding in 36 days, my school work is due at the end of this month and Graham's Series 7 test is next month- we are both getting run ragged. No one has any idea how thankful I will be when everything is complete. However, we are continually getting good news (answers to my prayers). Our mattress ordeal was solved, and we have just been approved to get into a rental property we are interested in! I can hardly contain my excitement! There is a silver lining to anything. Thank goodness for that!
     I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Haha! This is amazing.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

    Does everyone question their sanity? Or am I just a weirdo? The latter probably. Okay, so, technically I am not having a typical 'wedding.' I'm tying the knot inside of a LDS Temple- which is nixing all of the hoopla of a true wedding. But I am having a Reception to be able to share the time with my beloved family and friends; since there will be a Reception, I am going to have a few of the traditional things going on.
 The underlying theme for my Reception has got to be "DIY'. For all of you who aren't as Pinterest- savvy it stands for "Do It Yourself." It didn't start out that way, no, it didn't. But I found myself checking the prices of things and that is when I knew that I should at least give it a shot at making a thing or two. And so it began: I blinged out a chalkboard, I painted a few things, I sowed, I stoned, I labored over my craft. And, boy, did I feel CRAFTY when I had that final result.
Then there was the time I hot glued my fingers together with the high- temp glue gun (multiple times), or when I spent over 5 hours stoning one heel, or when I bought 200 bubbles to design for our exit- that is when I felt CRAZY.

My BRIDE goblet I stoned!

    But, overall, I love making things. I love showing off a project that has weighed on my mind until I tackled it. I love holding it up, with a hint of a quiver in my voice, as I explain the hardships associated with it, yet how willing I was to do it. So, to answer my own creepy question, I like to think that I'm crazily crafty or craftily crazy- whatever ;)

Bilbo Bagginses

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

For a bit of inspiration on this Tuesday night...

 -“You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.”