Quirks of Mine

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

    I often think how everyone has their own quirks... Is there a single person who doesn't have a strange way or two? If so, I certainly haven't met them. But there is nothing wrong with it! Nay, it is fun to see how different everyone is! I certainly know that I have my own unique (or weird if that is how you see it) tendencies. 

1. I have a world famous "stank eye." This only occurs in the most volatile of situations. It is done to another person (typically G) to show disproval of an action or statement or as warning to a swift kick to the shins. It may be seen multiple time in one sitting. The following is the "stank eye":

2. I take lots of pictures of myself. I know, I know- totally weird. My blog is filled with them, I use the term "selfie" to subscribe them. It's a crying shame. BUT the worse is finding the root of those photos. You know, those middle school photos with caterpillar eyebrows, an obvious arm stating oh-wow-I-took-this-myself and some sad attempt at a fashionable clothes like wearing a tie to school (oh whyyy). I cringe at the very thought! Usually I don't mind shaming myself by posting outlandish photos, but this is even too much for me. Just use your imagination, I mean, if you're just dying for a visual.

3. I'm a total cheapskate- to the point where it gets awkward. When I am feeling extra cheap the homeless and less fortunate better forget it. They ain't getting a dime. Even on a personal level, I dread spending money on a gallon of milk for family or buying a meal when a friend has left their wallet. This quality sucks and I loathe it, but I just can hardly seem to help it, it comes so natural! My saving grace is my husband- who is frugal yet filled with compassion. Otherwise there would not be a single individual with whom I would willing part money.

    Well now everyone knows a little bit more about me. I am sure you all wanted to know everything I've just said! Ha, I realize that my blog is totally self- centered. I don't mean for it to be this way, but I just know so much more about myself that everyone else. As a quick side note, I am having so much fun exploring "adulthood"... All the time I feel like a kid suddenly thrown into the real world. Bills, house cleaning, traveling, living with my husband- every day seems to bring something new. 

Nothing but Fun Around Here!

Monday, July 29, 2013

    Thoroughly enjoyed my weekend! Stayed in Orlando Friday, met up with Graham's favorite fellow missionary, ate at Rainforest Cafe at Downtown Disney, spent time at the Temple (first time since our wedding), Graham found his wedding band(!), tried the most delicious frozen yogurt shop, came back to a retro movie theatre and lazed around all day Sunday! 
    Tonight my babyboy surprised me with tickets to the Suns baseball game! We actually lucked out and have first row seats. Actually I have attended a few games but this is my first Minor League one (I have been to many college ones and a single Braves game). Anyways though we are having a blast; hoping for a souvenir ball. 
    Hope y'all like my pictures from this weekend and tonight! :)

      He brought me flowers, for the first time! So sweet.

     Seven dwarves made completely of Legos at Downtown Disney!

     I know this is dark but Elders Alexander and Huseman.

     Temple time!

     Hiding from the rain...

     Slightly obsessed with him! Doesn't he look so adorable in this time I bought him our first Christmas together?

     Modeling with his newfound wedding band! YAY!

      Hey there, temple, I love you.

     Graham does too!

     Y'all know I have to include a kissy picture ;)

     Next day: check out my flaring nostrils. (It's amazing I am not "forever alone.") 

      Sunday night I creeped on Graham's Facebook somewhat intensely. He was tagged in these! My mouth dropped at his beauty and I took an immense amount of screenshots. Such a stud y'all; feel so blessed to be so crazy about my husband! 

     Suns game!

     I really am having a fun time with him. I appreciated his efforts to surprise me. He is so good to/for me!

     Awkward selfie but checkout the field! Go Suns!

     Until later, my friends! Hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday night :)


Friday, July 26, 2013

     It is a blessed Friday! Surely everyone just said, "TGIF," under their breath- if not, I just don't understand. Today really should be a great day though :) It is definitely one of my favorite days of the week- also known around our house as "date night." Graham and I are Orlando-bound until tomorrow evening. Our plans include late night swimming at the hotel, going to spend a few hours at the temple and another adventure, one which we have yet to decide upon! Our options include: zip lining at Gator Land, visiting Sea World's water park Aquatica, watching the strange yet  captivating Cirque Du Solei (there is a huge chance that that isn't spelt correctly), or maybe even going to Universal's City Walk to see the Blue Man Group. Who knows, we just decide to do something else entirely. Half the fun is the excitement of not having a plan.
     I can't help but think back to our dating days- when everything pretty much had to be mapped out so that we could be sure to savor every moment by having fun to get us through the week and whizzing home in time for my curfew. My goodness, it is wonderful being able to just laze around, doing everything upon a whim. I do miss the anticipation of seeing Graham pull up into my drive way on Friday nights though- being so excited that the weekend had finally arrived and we could spend every moment together. Yep, I was obsessed with him (just like now :P ) Our long distance relationship definitely was hard at times, particularly on someone as clingy as me, Graham breezed through it. I thought it was when we had to miss a weekend to see each other or when I couldn't drive down during the weekdays for his birthdays because of work, but BOY it was so worth it in the end! 



Post Marriage.

    I still feel like I'm living in a dream. 💕💕💕

Alliteration Announcement

Thursday, July 25, 2013

    I don't know you guys, I am thinking of doing a weekly list of my SPECTACULAR SERENDIPITY and MARRING MISHAPS. Don't even begin to let your little mind wonder off thinking "wow that's a lame alliteration," just don't because it isn't! Just kidding- I absolutely have no inkling about what may be viewed as 'lame.' Here is a photo of me during a church dance. 

     So how about we brush past the negative bits first then exonerate ourselves by the happier tidbits? I'll give it a go.

  -Bought new front brake pads only to have the place tell me I now need new back brake pads!
  -Having my teeth cleaned by a harsh dental assistant, still unsure why my gums are cut where there are NO teeth.
  -Being asked to wear sunglasses in the dental chair and looking like this: 
   -Realizing that I have large toothpaste residue on both sides of my face, after waving to a few people cheerfully. 


  -My Grannma's stayed the weekend with me!
  -Tallulah, the blue beetle, is up and running again! I have missed the old girl. 
  -Finding out that one of my best friends is having a baby! I'm already dying to get my hands on it.
  -Finally overcoming my hold good fears by catching a baby lizard! 

  -Remembering Baby Mizell has a due date exactly TWO WEEKS AWAY! My schedule is cleared for him! I just can't wait to see him; I already love him so much :)
  -My Birchbox arrived, full of goodies that I love. Woo!
  -Returning to the temple this weekend for the first time since we've been married. Truly can not wait! 
  -My darling husband ordered me the IPSY BOX! For now I am on the waiting list- the anticipation shall kill me yet.
  -Planning a Disney trip with my brothers, roughly October. I love taking them, they just get so excited about places they haven't been! And c'mon it is DISNEY WORLD! 
  -Finding a puppy that I would consider keeping! Teacup Pom! 

Well that is it for today! 

Birchbox& Grannma Weekend

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

    I have decided that I am dreadfully behind in writing! How on earth can I go so long without finishing up a post?
    So I had an excellent weekend. As soon as I got off work (about 2:30) my Grannma Alice and Grannma Mary met me at my apartment! They asked if they could stay the weekend, which of course was a big fat "absolutely!" They are both such sweethearts. Friday they followed me around as I fixed my brake pads, then they rushed home to cook us a huge supper! I honestly haven't had any fried chicken that good since I left home. (Sidenote: my husband says that he can hardly eat fried chicken because it "ruins a perfectly good piece of meat" he would way rather grill or bake it- what is wrong with this man?) We watched "The Prestige," one of my favorite movies, then ended the day. The next morning those two ladies outdid themselves again by cooking a marvelous breakfast of eggs, bacon and grits! (Yet again, Graham says grits are "disgusting" compared to oatmeal! How on earth has he survived life without cheese grits? HOW?) All day Saturday we laughed and joked about everything; they are just so easy to get along with! They even were kind enough to travel around with me running errands at the UPS, Target, Belk... Just so content, even though it was their vacation! I was a little sad to leave them to go to work Saturday evening (a special occurrence) but they were complacent to watch movies at home while folding all my laundry. ***Is there any one who would like to dispute the fact that my family simply is the best? Because I'm sorry, I just don't see it happening.*** Even before they had to leave Saturday morning they made my most favorite breakfast food of all time (a slightly -brown large omelet loaded with cheese and bacon)! I was so sad to see them go, but I am so thankful that all of my precious grandparents are counted among my closest companions.
    My week has been average otherwise (well maybe slightly below average after I lost horribly  to Graham and my Father-in-Law Ed in a game similar to Phase 10. I hate losing; it was an extreme lose, roughly 100 points behind them!). My job has been okay, Graham finally received his ab belt that he ordered last week... Oh yeah, I forgot something.
My Birchbox arrived!
    Yay! Ecstatic! Sheer joy! Devotion to my love of all things set to surprise me! So now to get on to the important things, like how cute the box was and how I love it's contents.
    Now wouldn't you just know that as I rounded the steps up to my door I noticed something curious- a pink box. PINK BOX?? My heart skipped, I rushed to it and hugged it as if it were a long- lost sister.
Then I gently turned it to the side, just to make sure that it was precisely what I thought it was and...
It was! My beloved Birchbox! Truly, I was dying to rip it out of the package, but gently coaxed myself into maintaining some sense of order so I could post it for everyone :)
If you're not impressed by this unveiling, I'm not sure I want to know you. To be frank, I honestly thought that was an adorable way to showcase their name- totally unexpected for the box to unfold into this shape. After waiting about 3 seconds to bask in the cuteness and snap a quick picture I snatched that lid off to see...

Basically this is an intro to the box! It has a little blurb about the month's theme ("to control every situation") and a cute little picture to boot. On the flip side it listed everything the box contained, as well as the retail value of the full priced item. What did I receive you may ask?
This is my box of goodies. I couldn't tell at all what anything was so I immediately tore into it with the contents paper as my guide.
Number 4: Super Comb Prep & Protect (Full size: 27$)

The name left me clueless, ya'll, I can admit it, However, this this beauty (actually a good sized bottle) is a leave- in conditioner! It reminds me of the L'Oreal spray Mama used to buy to help with my tangles, except this smells much more adult- like. I am really satisfied with this and used it about 20 minutes after I opened the box :)
Dr, Lipp: Original Nipple Balm for Lips. (Full size: $14.50)
As soon as I read the name I thought: they just sent me nipple cream? What? Luckily- no! Apparently this product contains almost the same ingredients for nursing mothers- Dr. Lipp just tweaked it ever so slightly to lip balm. I tried it after I figured out what it was, I am pretty satisfied. It is definitely a nice balm, although somewhat sticky and has a hospital- like smell. I won't be purchasing this, but that won't keep me from using it ;)
COOLA: Classic Face SPF 30 Cucumber Moisturizer (Full size:36$)

Finally! Something in the name that identifies what it actually is! This little beaut is a sunscreen, obviously, but instead of the typical gross smelling kind, this one smells like cucumbers. It is actually super delicious smelling, but at the end of the day it does two jobs! That is A-Okay in my book.
TanTowel: Classic Formula Self Tanner Towellete (Full size: 24$)

Number one, I like this...a lot! After the wedding I made a vow that I would no longer be in attendance of any tanning salons; they're just so bad for you! What is a more perfect way to tan healthily than a self tanner? I have decided that I am going to save this baby for a special  occassion, since it only came with one towelette! I would like to purchase this, or something along these lines, if I can find a way around the price.
Marcelle: BB Cream Golden Glow (Full size $24)

I really hate how the quality in this picture turned out, ugh. But this was that one special item that made the box allll worth it! BB cream is supposed to be this kind of ultimate make-up staple. No one understands how excited I am for this! NO ONE! I am beyond thrilled. :) Birchbox must have known that today I was researching this same thing! TODAY.
Lastly, I just wanted to show the inside of the box. Chevron lined? With hot pink tissue paper! Birchbox, that's it- you've won me over! :)
    Want your own Birchbox subscription? I must say, I am exceptionally pleased with this month! The products aren't the largest, but they are intended to help find a "how-could-I-live-without-you!" type item. One of the perks is that by subscribing to Birchbox you begin a point system. Each month you get a box you are allotted 10 points, every item that you review you are allotted 10 more points. Since I just received 1 box, and reviewed 5 more I am up to 60 points! Whenever you reach 100 points, you are discounted 10$ off any purchase, pretty nifty and useful I'd say. Also if you are interested, please use my link below- we will both get points on future items!

Little Gems

Friday, July 19, 2013

    Fun Fact! Wednesday morning (the original day I began this post) I was exceptionally sleepy, despite going to bed fairly early (11:30!). Graham had to be at work at 8, so we are gone by 7:30 to ensure he is there on time (drawback of Jax?  Rush hour morning and afternoon traffic) We arrived, he kissed me farewell and headed inside the building. So I drove back home to sleep since I didn't have to be at work til 10. After piddling around the apartment, finally about 9 o'clock I laid down for my nap. I rationalized I could sleep til 9:40 because it takes 10 minutes to get to work and still gave myself time all for a few simple tasks (brush my teeth, pack my lunch, mill around while doing so). Well 9:40 came and my alarm went off like crazzzzy. I decided to snooze it for 3 more minutes because that was still ample time to make it. Well 9:43 I finally staggered out of bed; I detest being awaken from my slumber. Well as I did, I checked my phone to see a text from my boss "Can you please come in 5 minutes early. I have a meeting starting at 10." WHAT?! Early!!! That means TWO minutes if I planned on making it on time! So I sprinted around, threw on whatever clothes stood nearby, grabbed some leftovers and swiftly brushed my teeth (I brought it to work for a more thorough cleaning haha) and flew the coop. So speeding my way to work I arrived exactly at 9:55. I amazed myself, folks. 
     But today I particularly wanted to write about something that has intrigued me! Last friday morning after Graham was dropped off at work I headed to the house, so eager to dive right back into my loving bed for the next hour. (Have y'all guessed that I love my sleep?) Typically when I drive I listen to Elvis Duran's morning show. One of the many segments is entitled "What's Trending" hosted by Carla Marie, which just offers several of the newest popular items. Some of the trendy things include has cooking apps on smart phones, organic clothing lines, and hot websites blaring the latest celeb news. Typically I shun Carla Marie because everything listed is well out of my price range ("For only 600$ a year you can be apart of this fabulous shenanigan"..... Wrong) But! As she began on Friday she told of a little thing called the "Trendy Box." This package is a small monthly subscription box that is shipped to your home address with 2-4 jewelry pieces selected just for the wearer from stylists, for a cheap fee of course. I must say, I was immediately excited! I love jewelry, but I love surprises more and whenever they're trying to save me money I sure ain't complaining. And come on ya'll, how exciting to come home to a surprise package just for me!
    Immediately I began trying to research this company. They had pretty good customer satisfaction, plus they genuinely had cute jewelry up for grabs. I must admit though, I jumped the gun. I purchased it quickly; just dying to receive it. After about four days of waiting I found out anything purchased after the 10th will be distributed the next month- I ordered on the twelfth, ugh :( So my jewelry will be en route soon and I have high hopes, but I do plan on this particular subscription being a one time thing.
    By now though, I've become pretty savvy on "subscription boxes." Basically there are hundreds of the boxes, I had no clue! Every box is filled with things that are either sold at wholesale price or items donated to increase marketing for particular companies- a great way to get samples if you're interested in name brands.(Of course, many, many items are not sample sized, depends upon the box in question.) So what kinds of subscription boxes are there you may ask? Pretty much boxes for everyone's taste! Jewelry, as mentioned, beauty supplies, crafting, fitness, clothing, snacks, babies, end of the world prepping, the list goes on! So a few of those I didn't even consider glimpsing into (baby or fitness) but the rest fascinated me! I read reviews, picked through websites, compared prices, seeing who provided spoilers, which companies allowed some of our items to be hand selected and, of course, trying to find what I was most interested in.  
 Then I remembered Birchbox, something that peaked my interest months prior. So I looked it up- total cuteness.They had photos of previous boxes and everything was so darling. Birchbox is a beauty subscription box filled with samples and goodies (occasionally a full size item too, I believe) of nail polish, make up, hair products- basically beauty essentials. It is on the cheap end (10$ a month) and almost every customer raves about it! Lastly, it fulfilled my requirement to have the ability to be cancelled upon a whim- as some require a 3-month or annual fee upfront. So I decided that I would give it a go and ordered the July box; who knows I may even write a blog on my unboxing (okay, okay, I definitely plan to)! If anyone does decide to look into it and order it you do have to wait for an open spot, but no worries my email came after two days. I just hope these won't be total let downs and will provide me with some fashionable products.
    If I ever get the chance (but mostly the finances to cover it) I am so wanting to try new boxes out! My up and coming list of subscription boxes includes: Popsugar Must Haves, Julep Maven, Ispy, Fancy box and the Golden Tote. Trust me, these are the ones that everyone says are the best in price, customer satisfaction and providing the most high quality products. 
    So I am nervous and excited about seeing how this ordeal goes But I think it is fine to try out new things, particularly if they aren't astronomically expensive. I am beyond ready to get them already!
         Julep Maven's July Box 
      Ipsy's July box! I NEED!!

Finding that deal

Friday, July 12, 2013

    It is me again, for the third day in a row; I am thoroughly enjoying keeping up my blog. So my post to day will be fairly small, as I didn't undergo too much yesterday. 
    In fact, I had an average morning, workday and afternoon. My only real highlight occurred right after I picked Graham up from work. Every Thursday he goes out with the missionaries, so my plans included folding laundry and cleaning out my guest bedroom (talk about a bore... but it has to be done). So as I picked him up, with a quick meal from McDonald's in tow, we headed to our sweet little apartment. En route, we neared a thrift shop recommended to me and I was dying to look. So we estimated that we had about a forty minute span during which we could look around. 
    Inside the place, like all shops featuring used clothes, had an assortment of smells- not really bad one, just ones you don't seem to find elsewhere. Anyway, the store was actually pretty spacious inside, brimming with tattered books, ancient rocking chair and thousands of articles of clothing.  Basically- my kind of place!! As usual, I headed straight for the clearance racks which surprisingly do exist in these already greatly discounted stores. It is hard to explain the excitement that comes from finding one treasure in a hoard of items- exhilarating? Seriously, pounding your way through all of the nonsense to find an eclectic piece for a steal of a price is riveting. 
    Want to see my trophies?
     Maybe my greatest find of the day? I just love my jumpsuit! 'Twas only $2.50.
    Simple like pink button up, purchased 2 for Listi and myself, 2.00$ 
    Um, kind of the most adorable 80's hi-low type dress on the planet. Madly in love with it! $2.50
    Is that a duck face? Whoops! Bought this simple ruffled shirt for $1.00 ladies and gents (ha, as if a solitary man alive would read my blog!).
    Even Graham found himself something! No that isn't a basketball shaped piece of blubber, just puffed out for some strange reason... The shirt is cute thought, right? $1.00! 
    In case the other picture wasn't giving it justice I snapped a quick selfie with it! I like the pastels, plus it is appropriate for his work on Casual Friday ;)

    So my grand total was..... $9.63! Who can complain about six articles of clothing for that price? I sure can't (and if you can I'd looove to know why)!  Sorry to expose so many weird selfies during this post-  hope I haven't scared anyone away, if so it was kind of you to stop by. So guys, have a great weekend! I am going home to Douglas- have I ever been so excited to see that place

Freebie Thursday

Thursday, July 11, 2013

    Okay people, I must be honest about a few things. 
1. Surprising the unsuspecting is one of my favorite things to do!
2. Typically if I am at a restaurant I almost always order water, because I don't see the point in wasting 3$ for a drink.
3. Nothing tastes as good as a free meal. 

    Anyone finding a correlation here? If not, pray (not the actual action by the way... It also means to "implore" in case you didn't know), let me explain. 
    As I sat at work on a boring Tuesday, the baby slept in my arms and wouldn't allow me to put her in her crib. I wasn't a happy camper, because this was my lunch break and it was already 2 o'clock! Suddenly a Facebook notification popped up my screen, disheartened I checked it to find a lady proclaiming that a new restaurant opened and needed practice for serving/cooking so they were offering free plates. I scoffed, Jacob Mizell raised me off the slogan "you don't get somethin' for nothin'!" So I did not even being to bother myself with what was sure to be a scam... After a few moments I began to question my own skepticism- why not at least call to find out what this woman meant? So I took the plunge. 
    "Hi yes this is BJ's Restaurant and Brewery... Yes ma'am! We are opening July 15th but today through Saturday we are hosting a dress rehearsal meal, complimentary of BJ's. We will have appetizers, entrees, desserts and all specialty drinks-the only thing that isn't free is alcoholic beverages. All you have to do to take part is make a reservation!" 
    Had my ears deceived me? Or had this woman just said a FREE meal was in my grasp? 
    My response to her? "How about Wednesday at 5:30 !?" So it was set; I was in a crazy haze, deciding to surprise Graham with a night out, on me (wink, wink).
    In response to my excitement, Tuesday dragged by! All day seemed to be in slow motion, each event taking forever. On our way home from Institute I caved, slightly, when I told Graham not to have any plans because we were going to do something right after work. 
    At last, at last, Tuesday was in the dust and 'twas blessed Wednesday. All day I thought about it as I replayed scenes in my head about what could go wrong. After careful contemplation I rationalized that I was worrying too much about a small situation.  Five o'clock rolled around, and I rolled up outside Graham's work- ready for blast off. He hopped in and I started going, all the while not telling him where we were en route to.  
    Now you guys already know that I can't go a day without some type of mishap, just begging for my day to go awry. As we entered traffic on the interstate it was so packed that we were under the Minimum Speed Limit (40 mph)! However that wasn't too bad, since it eventually sped up, it only put us 5 minutes behind. As we took our exit, I began to notice the desolation and complete lack of stores- the last thing you want to come across when you're heading to a outdoor mall. So my gps led us to my destination... BUT the destination was wrong! Instead of "Max Leggett parkway" it took us to "Parkway street." Apparently, the new address refused to show up on my old gps. As 5:50 passed, I was on fire! I googled the directions and found my way- only to be led to a ROAD CLOSED sign. My patience was skating on the thinnest piece of ice as I prayed the next turn would help assist me to my destination- and it did :) It led me straight towards the mall and I turned to see a huge, and very packed, BJ's Restaurant and Brewery. Hallelujah!
    Graham asked why we were at this location, I explained, yada yada- time for the food!! So we entered the restaurant, who courteously forgave my 30 minute tardy, excited to see how the afternoon would pan out.
    The place literally was slammed to capacity, said our host, but our wait was only about 15 minutes. When we finally sat down a server, looking exhausted but smiling, came took our drink requests (strawberry lemonade and an orange cream) and handed us our menu. To my sincere surprise, our menu only held three items! Sensing my confusion, a manager came over to explain the situation. Each set of diners had their own unique menu. This menu held the option of two entrees and either an appetizer or a dessert. The plan was for each to order one of both, to be decided amongst ourselves, to help the chefs further their knowledge of each item. Our menu was as follows-

-Hawaiian Mahi Mahi 
-Vegetarian Pizza


    Graham opted for the Mahi Mahi and I asked for pizza but with a substitution of pepperoni and green olives instead. So our order was taken and we began to take inventory of our surroundings. Our neighbors had several different options- creamy pasta, Caesar salad, chicken Marsala, big and little pizzas, steak, nachos! Eventually Graham and I took turns walking around surveying the place. It was absolute chaos! But everyone was having a great time being pampered by the eager waiters. Our waitress really was spoiling me rotten with free drinks! We were given a tart strawberry lemonade, a orange cream that tasted just like ice cream, a handmade root beer and two virgin strawberry daiquiris! I was in heaven, by getting whatever I wanted for no cost! 
    When our food came out I was practically full from all of my drinks. I loved my pizza, though I couldn't finish it,and Graham was pretty satisfied with his, he just wished his fish was a bigger portion. As soon as we finished that they put in our order for a Pizookie. A few minutes later, in a small cake pan, arrive a huge freshly baked chocolate chip cookie with ice cream on top. If I would have keeled over right there, I'd of died a very happy lady. My dessert was stupendously, ridiculously, marvelously delicious- was that enough adjectives to give it justice? (Just in case not--- amazingly, wonderfully, astonishingly spectacular!) I could not have lifted my spoon again had more food came out, I was positively stuffed! 

    Then the wait for our bill began. We were fairly sure my daiquiris (alcohol gratis) wouldn't cost but just out of curiosity. Lo and behold our check arrived- $0.00! Amazing. I realized how much we would have purchased on an ordinary day and it added to about 40$ (mostly due to all of the drinks). So they ran the debit card to tip our kind waitress as I filled out a survey with excellent reviews for the night. It sure was fun and, most importantly, free! 

    As we prepared to leave our tip Graham was given a receipt and a piece of complimentary chocolate. He was confused, so he asked me, "why do we owe .54$?" We died laughing once we figured it out. Of all things to pay for on a free night out, the 'complimentary' chocolate! Which we didn't mind, since they did allow us to have a great time. 

    Right after we left we stuck around the Airport area (the location of the new BJ's) since we are never there and basically spent the money we saved on food. But hey, I'm okay with that. My boy bought a new work shirt (that I picked out and LOVE) for himself. (Below is the photo of him at work wearing the shirt- isn't it darling?)

    I got a new pair of tennis shoes! It was kind of ironic to find a cute pair of Puma's that I've been searching for at this store. The best part? Their price ;) 

   So hats off to BJ's Restaurant and Brewery for this unexpected experience! It sure was a great one and I will be returning soon, I'd recommend you do the same.

Quirks of Mine

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

    I often think how everyone has their own quirks... Is there a single person who doesn't have a strange way or two? If so, I certainly haven't met them. But there is nothing wrong with it! Nay, it is fun to see how different everyone is! I certainly know that I have my own unique (or weird if that is how you see it) tendencies. 

1. I have a world famous "stank eye." This only occurs in the most volatile of situations. It is done to another person (typically G) to show disproval of an action or statement or as warning to a swift kick to the shins. It may be seen multiple time in one sitting. The following is the "stank eye":

2. I take lots of pictures of myself. I know, I know- totally weird. My blog is filled with them, I use the term "selfie" to subscribe them. It's a crying shame. BUT the worse is finding the root of those photos. You know, those middle school photos with caterpillar eyebrows, an obvious arm stating oh-wow-I-took-this-myself and some sad attempt at a fashionable clothes like wearing a tie to school (oh whyyy). I cringe at the very thought! Usually I don't mind shaming myself by posting outlandish photos, but this is even too much for me. Just use your imagination, I mean, if you're just dying for a visual.

3. I'm a total cheapskate- to the point where it gets awkward. When I am feeling extra cheap the homeless and less fortunate better forget it. They ain't getting a dime. Even on a personal level, I dread spending money on a gallon of milk for family or buying a meal when a friend has left their wallet. This quality sucks and I loathe it, but I just can hardly seem to help it, it comes so natural! My saving grace is my husband- who is frugal yet filled with compassion. Otherwise there would not be a single individual with whom I would willing part money.

    Well now everyone knows a little bit more about me. I am sure you all wanted to know everything I've just said! Ha, I realize that my blog is totally self- centered. I don't mean for it to be this way, but I just know so much more about myself that everyone else. As a quick side note, I am having so much fun exploring "adulthood"... All the time I feel like a kid suddenly thrown into the real world. Bills, house cleaning, traveling, living with my husband- every day seems to bring something new. 

Nothing but Fun Around Here!

Monday, July 29, 2013

    Thoroughly enjoyed my weekend! Stayed in Orlando Friday, met up with Graham's favorite fellow missionary, ate at Rainforest Cafe at Downtown Disney, spent time at the Temple (first time since our wedding), Graham found his wedding band(!), tried the most delicious frozen yogurt shop, came back to a retro movie theatre and lazed around all day Sunday! 
    Tonight my babyboy surprised me with tickets to the Suns baseball game! We actually lucked out and have first row seats. Actually I have attended a few games but this is my first Minor League one (I have been to many college ones and a single Braves game). Anyways though we are having a blast; hoping for a souvenir ball. 
    Hope y'all like my pictures from this weekend and tonight! :)

      He brought me flowers, for the first time! So sweet.

     Seven dwarves made completely of Legos at Downtown Disney!

     I know this is dark but Elders Alexander and Huseman.

     Temple time!

     Hiding from the rain...

     Slightly obsessed with him! Doesn't he look so adorable in this time I bought him our first Christmas together?

     Modeling with his newfound wedding band! YAY!

      Hey there, temple, I love you.

     Graham does too!

     Y'all know I have to include a kissy picture ;)

     Next day: check out my flaring nostrils. (It's amazing I am not "forever alone.") 

      Sunday night I creeped on Graham's Facebook somewhat intensely. He was tagged in these! My mouth dropped at his beauty and I took an immense amount of screenshots. Such a stud y'all; feel so blessed to be so crazy about my husband! 

     Suns game!

     I really am having a fun time with him. I appreciated his efforts to surprise me. He is so good to/for me!

     Awkward selfie but checkout the field! Go Suns!

     Until later, my friends! Hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday night :)


Friday, July 26, 2013

     It is a blessed Friday! Surely everyone just said, "TGIF," under their breath- if not, I just don't understand. Today really should be a great day though :) It is definitely one of my favorite days of the week- also known around our house as "date night." Graham and I are Orlando-bound until tomorrow evening. Our plans include late night swimming at the hotel, going to spend a few hours at the temple and another adventure, one which we have yet to decide upon! Our options include: zip lining at Gator Land, visiting Sea World's water park Aquatica, watching the strange yet  captivating Cirque Du Solei (there is a huge chance that that isn't spelt correctly), or maybe even going to Universal's City Walk to see the Blue Man Group. Who knows, we just decide to do something else entirely. Half the fun is the excitement of not having a plan.
     I can't help but think back to our dating days- when everything pretty much had to be mapped out so that we could be sure to savor every moment by having fun to get us through the week and whizzing home in time for my curfew. My goodness, it is wonderful being able to just laze around, doing everything upon a whim. I do miss the anticipation of seeing Graham pull up into my drive way on Friday nights though- being so excited that the weekend had finally arrived and we could spend every moment together. Yep, I was obsessed with him (just like now :P ) Our long distance relationship definitely was hard at times, particularly on someone as clingy as me, Graham breezed through it. I thought it was when we had to miss a weekend to see each other or when I couldn't drive down during the weekdays for his birthdays because of work, but BOY it was so worth it in the end! 



Post Marriage.

    I still feel like I'm living in a dream. 💕💕💕

Alliteration Announcement

Thursday, July 25, 2013

    I don't know you guys, I am thinking of doing a weekly list of my SPECTACULAR SERENDIPITY and MARRING MISHAPS. Don't even begin to let your little mind wonder off thinking "wow that's a lame alliteration," just don't because it isn't! Just kidding- I absolutely have no inkling about what may be viewed as 'lame.' Here is a photo of me during a church dance. 

     So how about we brush past the negative bits first then exonerate ourselves by the happier tidbits? I'll give it a go.

  -Bought new front brake pads only to have the place tell me I now need new back brake pads!
  -Having my teeth cleaned by a harsh dental assistant, still unsure why my gums are cut where there are NO teeth.
  -Being asked to wear sunglasses in the dental chair and looking like this: 
   -Realizing that I have large toothpaste residue on both sides of my face, after waving to a few people cheerfully. 


  -My Grannma's stayed the weekend with me!
  -Tallulah, the blue beetle, is up and running again! I have missed the old girl. 
  -Finding out that one of my best friends is having a baby! I'm already dying to get my hands on it.
  -Finally overcoming my hold good fears by catching a baby lizard! 

  -Remembering Baby Mizell has a due date exactly TWO WEEKS AWAY! My schedule is cleared for him! I just can't wait to see him; I already love him so much :)
  -My Birchbox arrived, full of goodies that I love. Woo!
  -Returning to the temple this weekend for the first time since we've been married. Truly can not wait! 
  -My darling husband ordered me the IPSY BOX! For now I am on the waiting list- the anticipation shall kill me yet.
  -Planning a Disney trip with my brothers, roughly October. I love taking them, they just get so excited about places they haven't been! And c'mon it is DISNEY WORLD! 
  -Finding a puppy that I would consider keeping! Teacup Pom! 

Well that is it for today! 

Birchbox& Grannma Weekend

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

    I have decided that I am dreadfully behind in writing! How on earth can I go so long without finishing up a post?
    So I had an excellent weekend. As soon as I got off work (about 2:30) my Grannma Alice and Grannma Mary met me at my apartment! They asked if they could stay the weekend, which of course was a big fat "absolutely!" They are both such sweethearts. Friday they followed me around as I fixed my brake pads, then they rushed home to cook us a huge supper! I honestly haven't had any fried chicken that good since I left home. (Sidenote: my husband says that he can hardly eat fried chicken because it "ruins a perfectly good piece of meat" he would way rather grill or bake it- what is wrong with this man?) We watched "The Prestige," one of my favorite movies, then ended the day. The next morning those two ladies outdid themselves again by cooking a marvelous breakfast of eggs, bacon and grits! (Yet again, Graham says grits are "disgusting" compared to oatmeal! How on earth has he survived life without cheese grits? HOW?) All day Saturday we laughed and joked about everything; they are just so easy to get along with! They even were kind enough to travel around with me running errands at the UPS, Target, Belk... Just so content, even though it was their vacation! I was a little sad to leave them to go to work Saturday evening (a special occurrence) but they were complacent to watch movies at home while folding all my laundry. ***Is there any one who would like to dispute the fact that my family simply is the best? Because I'm sorry, I just don't see it happening.*** Even before they had to leave Saturday morning they made my most favorite breakfast food of all time (a slightly -brown large omelet loaded with cheese and bacon)! I was so sad to see them go, but I am so thankful that all of my precious grandparents are counted among my closest companions.
    My week has been average otherwise (well maybe slightly below average after I lost horribly  to Graham and my Father-in-Law Ed in a game similar to Phase 10. I hate losing; it was an extreme lose, roughly 100 points behind them!). My job has been okay, Graham finally received his ab belt that he ordered last week... Oh yeah, I forgot something.
My Birchbox arrived!
    Yay! Ecstatic! Sheer joy! Devotion to my love of all things set to surprise me! So now to get on to the important things, like how cute the box was and how I love it's contents.
    Now wouldn't you just know that as I rounded the steps up to my door I noticed something curious- a pink box. PINK BOX?? My heart skipped, I rushed to it and hugged it as if it were a long- lost sister.
Then I gently turned it to the side, just to make sure that it was precisely what I thought it was and...
It was! My beloved Birchbox! Truly, I was dying to rip it out of the package, but gently coaxed myself into maintaining some sense of order so I could post it for everyone :)
If you're not impressed by this unveiling, I'm not sure I want to know you. To be frank, I honestly thought that was an adorable way to showcase their name- totally unexpected for the box to unfold into this shape. After waiting about 3 seconds to bask in the cuteness and snap a quick picture I snatched that lid off to see...

Basically this is an intro to the box! It has a little blurb about the month's theme ("to control every situation") and a cute little picture to boot. On the flip side it listed everything the box contained, as well as the retail value of the full priced item. What did I receive you may ask?
This is my box of goodies. I couldn't tell at all what anything was so I immediately tore into it with the contents paper as my guide.
Number 4: Super Comb Prep & Protect (Full size: 27$)

The name left me clueless, ya'll, I can admit it, However, this this beauty (actually a good sized bottle) is a leave- in conditioner! It reminds me of the L'Oreal spray Mama used to buy to help with my tangles, except this smells much more adult- like. I am really satisfied with this and used it about 20 minutes after I opened the box :)
Dr, Lipp: Original Nipple Balm for Lips. (Full size: $14.50)
As soon as I read the name I thought: they just sent me nipple cream? What? Luckily- no! Apparently this product contains almost the same ingredients for nursing mothers- Dr. Lipp just tweaked it ever so slightly to lip balm. I tried it after I figured out what it was, I am pretty satisfied. It is definitely a nice balm, although somewhat sticky and has a hospital- like smell. I won't be purchasing this, but that won't keep me from using it ;)
COOLA: Classic Face SPF 30 Cucumber Moisturizer (Full size:36$)

Finally! Something in the name that identifies what it actually is! This little beaut is a sunscreen, obviously, but instead of the typical gross smelling kind, this one smells like cucumbers. It is actually super delicious smelling, but at the end of the day it does two jobs! That is A-Okay in my book.
TanTowel: Classic Formula Self Tanner Towellete (Full size: 24$)

Number one, I like this...a lot! After the wedding I made a vow that I would no longer be in attendance of any tanning salons; they're just so bad for you! What is a more perfect way to tan healthily than a self tanner? I have decided that I am going to save this baby for a special  occassion, since it only came with one towelette! I would like to purchase this, or something along these lines, if I can find a way around the price.
Marcelle: BB Cream Golden Glow (Full size $24)

I really hate how the quality in this picture turned out, ugh. But this was that one special item that made the box allll worth it! BB cream is supposed to be this kind of ultimate make-up staple. No one understands how excited I am for this! NO ONE! I am beyond thrilled. :) Birchbox must have known that today I was researching this same thing! TODAY.
Lastly, I just wanted to show the inside of the box. Chevron lined? With hot pink tissue paper! Birchbox, that's it- you've won me over! :)
    Want your own Birchbox subscription? I must say, I am exceptionally pleased with this month! The products aren't the largest, but they are intended to help find a "how-could-I-live-without-you!" type item. One of the perks is that by subscribing to Birchbox you begin a point system. Each month you get a box you are allotted 10 points, every item that you review you are allotted 10 more points. Since I just received 1 box, and reviewed 5 more I am up to 60 points! Whenever you reach 100 points, you are discounted 10$ off any purchase, pretty nifty and useful I'd say. Also if you are interested, please use my link below- we will both get points on future items!

Little Gems

Friday, July 19, 2013

    Fun Fact! Wednesday morning (the original day I began this post) I was exceptionally sleepy, despite going to bed fairly early (11:30!). Graham had to be at work at 8, so we are gone by 7:30 to ensure he is there on time (drawback of Jax?  Rush hour morning and afternoon traffic) We arrived, he kissed me farewell and headed inside the building. So I drove back home to sleep since I didn't have to be at work til 10. After piddling around the apartment, finally about 9 o'clock I laid down for my nap. I rationalized I could sleep til 9:40 because it takes 10 minutes to get to work and still gave myself time all for a few simple tasks (brush my teeth, pack my lunch, mill around while doing so). Well 9:40 came and my alarm went off like crazzzzy. I decided to snooze it for 3 more minutes because that was still ample time to make it. Well 9:43 I finally staggered out of bed; I detest being awaken from my slumber. Well as I did, I checked my phone to see a text from my boss "Can you please come in 5 minutes early. I have a meeting starting at 10." WHAT?! Early!!! That means TWO minutes if I planned on making it on time! So I sprinted around, threw on whatever clothes stood nearby, grabbed some leftovers and swiftly brushed my teeth (I brought it to work for a more thorough cleaning haha) and flew the coop. So speeding my way to work I arrived exactly at 9:55. I amazed myself, folks. 
     But today I particularly wanted to write about something that has intrigued me! Last friday morning after Graham was dropped off at work I headed to the house, so eager to dive right back into my loving bed for the next hour. (Have y'all guessed that I love my sleep?) Typically when I drive I listen to Elvis Duran's morning show. One of the many segments is entitled "What's Trending" hosted by Carla Marie, which just offers several of the newest popular items. Some of the trendy things include has cooking apps on smart phones, organic clothing lines, and hot websites blaring the latest celeb news. Typically I shun Carla Marie because everything listed is well out of my price range ("For only 600$ a year you can be apart of this fabulous shenanigan"..... Wrong) But! As she began on Friday she told of a little thing called the "Trendy Box." This package is a small monthly subscription box that is shipped to your home address with 2-4 jewelry pieces selected just for the wearer from stylists, for a cheap fee of course. I must say, I was immediately excited! I love jewelry, but I love surprises more and whenever they're trying to save me money I sure ain't complaining. And come on ya'll, how exciting to come home to a surprise package just for me!
    Immediately I began trying to research this company. They had pretty good customer satisfaction, plus they genuinely had cute jewelry up for grabs. I must admit though, I jumped the gun. I purchased it quickly; just dying to receive it. After about four days of waiting I found out anything purchased after the 10th will be distributed the next month- I ordered on the twelfth, ugh :( So my jewelry will be en route soon and I have high hopes, but I do plan on this particular subscription being a one time thing.
    By now though, I've become pretty savvy on "subscription boxes." Basically there are hundreds of the boxes, I had no clue! Every box is filled with things that are either sold at wholesale price or items donated to increase marketing for particular companies- a great way to get samples if you're interested in name brands.(Of course, many, many items are not sample sized, depends upon the box in question.) So what kinds of subscription boxes are there you may ask? Pretty much boxes for everyone's taste! Jewelry, as mentioned, beauty supplies, crafting, fitness, clothing, snacks, babies, end of the world prepping, the list goes on! So a few of those I didn't even consider glimpsing into (baby or fitness) but the rest fascinated me! I read reviews, picked through websites, compared prices, seeing who provided spoilers, which companies allowed some of our items to be hand selected and, of course, trying to find what I was most interested in.  
 Then I remembered Birchbox, something that peaked my interest months prior. So I looked it up- total cuteness.They had photos of previous boxes and everything was so darling. Birchbox is a beauty subscription box filled with samples and goodies (occasionally a full size item too, I believe) of nail polish, make up, hair products- basically beauty essentials. It is on the cheap end (10$ a month) and almost every customer raves about it! Lastly, it fulfilled my requirement to have the ability to be cancelled upon a whim- as some require a 3-month or annual fee upfront. So I decided that I would give it a go and ordered the July box; who knows I may even write a blog on my unboxing (okay, okay, I definitely plan to)! If anyone does decide to look into it and order it you do have to wait for an open spot, but no worries my email came after two days. I just hope these won't be total let downs and will provide me with some fashionable products.
    If I ever get the chance (but mostly the finances to cover it) I am so wanting to try new boxes out! My up and coming list of subscription boxes includes: Popsugar Must Haves, Julep Maven, Ispy, Fancy box and the Golden Tote. Trust me, these are the ones that everyone says are the best in price, customer satisfaction and providing the most high quality products. 
    So I am nervous and excited about seeing how this ordeal goes But I think it is fine to try out new things, particularly if they aren't astronomically expensive. I am beyond ready to get them already!
         Julep Maven's July Box 
      Ipsy's July box! I NEED!!

Finding that deal

Friday, July 12, 2013

    It is me again, for the third day in a row; I am thoroughly enjoying keeping up my blog. So my post to day will be fairly small, as I didn't undergo too much yesterday. 
    In fact, I had an average morning, workday and afternoon. My only real highlight occurred right after I picked Graham up from work. Every Thursday he goes out with the missionaries, so my plans included folding laundry and cleaning out my guest bedroom (talk about a bore... but it has to be done). So as I picked him up, with a quick meal from McDonald's in tow, we headed to our sweet little apartment. En route, we neared a thrift shop recommended to me and I was dying to look. So we estimated that we had about a forty minute span during which we could look around. 
    Inside the place, like all shops featuring used clothes, had an assortment of smells- not really bad one, just ones you don't seem to find elsewhere. Anyway, the store was actually pretty spacious inside, brimming with tattered books, ancient rocking chair and thousands of articles of clothing.  Basically- my kind of place!! As usual, I headed straight for the clearance racks which surprisingly do exist in these already greatly discounted stores. It is hard to explain the excitement that comes from finding one treasure in a hoard of items- exhilarating? Seriously, pounding your way through all of the nonsense to find an eclectic piece for a steal of a price is riveting. 
    Want to see my trophies?
     Maybe my greatest find of the day? I just love my jumpsuit! 'Twas only $2.50.
    Simple like pink button up, purchased 2 for Listi and myself, 2.00$ 
    Um, kind of the most adorable 80's hi-low type dress on the planet. Madly in love with it! $2.50
    Is that a duck face? Whoops! Bought this simple ruffled shirt for $1.00 ladies and gents (ha, as if a solitary man alive would read my blog!).
    Even Graham found himself something! No that isn't a basketball shaped piece of blubber, just puffed out for some strange reason... The shirt is cute thought, right? $1.00! 
    In case the other picture wasn't giving it justice I snapped a quick selfie with it! I like the pastels, plus it is appropriate for his work on Casual Friday ;)

    So my grand total was..... $9.63! Who can complain about six articles of clothing for that price? I sure can't (and if you can I'd looove to know why)!  Sorry to expose so many weird selfies during this post-  hope I haven't scared anyone away, if so it was kind of you to stop by. So guys, have a great weekend! I am going home to Douglas- have I ever been so excited to see that place

Freebie Thursday

Thursday, July 11, 2013

    Okay people, I must be honest about a few things. 
1. Surprising the unsuspecting is one of my favorite things to do!
2. Typically if I am at a restaurant I almost always order water, because I don't see the point in wasting 3$ for a drink.
3. Nothing tastes as good as a free meal. 

    Anyone finding a correlation here? If not, pray (not the actual action by the way... It also means to "implore" in case you didn't know), let me explain. 
    As I sat at work on a boring Tuesday, the baby slept in my arms and wouldn't allow me to put her in her crib. I wasn't a happy camper, because this was my lunch break and it was already 2 o'clock! Suddenly a Facebook notification popped up my screen, disheartened I checked it to find a lady proclaiming that a new restaurant opened and needed practice for serving/cooking so they were offering free plates. I scoffed, Jacob Mizell raised me off the slogan "you don't get somethin' for nothin'!" So I did not even being to bother myself with what was sure to be a scam... After a few moments I began to question my own skepticism- why not at least call to find out what this woman meant? So I took the plunge. 
    "Hi yes this is BJ's Restaurant and Brewery... Yes ma'am! We are opening July 15th but today through Saturday we are hosting a dress rehearsal meal, complimentary of BJ's. We will have appetizers, entrees, desserts and all specialty drinks-the only thing that isn't free is alcoholic beverages. All you have to do to take part is make a reservation!" 
    Had my ears deceived me? Or had this woman just said a FREE meal was in my grasp? 
    My response to her? "How about Wednesday at 5:30 !?" So it was set; I was in a crazy haze, deciding to surprise Graham with a night out, on me (wink, wink).
    In response to my excitement, Tuesday dragged by! All day seemed to be in slow motion, each event taking forever. On our way home from Institute I caved, slightly, when I told Graham not to have any plans because we were going to do something right after work. 
    At last, at last, Tuesday was in the dust and 'twas blessed Wednesday. All day I thought about it as I replayed scenes in my head about what could go wrong. After careful contemplation I rationalized that I was worrying too much about a small situation.  Five o'clock rolled around, and I rolled up outside Graham's work- ready for blast off. He hopped in and I started going, all the while not telling him where we were en route to.  
    Now you guys already know that I can't go a day without some type of mishap, just begging for my day to go awry. As we entered traffic on the interstate it was so packed that we were under the Minimum Speed Limit (40 mph)! However that wasn't too bad, since it eventually sped up, it only put us 5 minutes behind. As we took our exit, I began to notice the desolation and complete lack of stores- the last thing you want to come across when you're heading to a outdoor mall. So my gps led us to my destination... BUT the destination was wrong! Instead of "Max Leggett parkway" it took us to "Parkway street." Apparently, the new address refused to show up on my old gps. As 5:50 passed, I was on fire! I googled the directions and found my way- only to be led to a ROAD CLOSED sign. My patience was skating on the thinnest piece of ice as I prayed the next turn would help assist me to my destination- and it did :) It led me straight towards the mall and I turned to see a huge, and very packed, BJ's Restaurant and Brewery. Hallelujah!
    Graham asked why we were at this location, I explained, yada yada- time for the food!! So we entered the restaurant, who courteously forgave my 30 minute tardy, excited to see how the afternoon would pan out.
    The place literally was slammed to capacity, said our host, but our wait was only about 15 minutes. When we finally sat down a server, looking exhausted but smiling, came took our drink requests (strawberry lemonade and an orange cream) and handed us our menu. To my sincere surprise, our menu only held three items! Sensing my confusion, a manager came over to explain the situation. Each set of diners had their own unique menu. This menu held the option of two entrees and either an appetizer or a dessert. The plan was for each to order one of both, to be decided amongst ourselves, to help the chefs further their knowledge of each item. Our menu was as follows-

-Hawaiian Mahi Mahi 
-Vegetarian Pizza


    Graham opted for the Mahi Mahi and I asked for pizza but with a substitution of pepperoni and green olives instead. So our order was taken and we began to take inventory of our surroundings. Our neighbors had several different options- creamy pasta, Caesar salad, chicken Marsala, big and little pizzas, steak, nachos! Eventually Graham and I took turns walking around surveying the place. It was absolute chaos! But everyone was having a great time being pampered by the eager waiters. Our waitress really was spoiling me rotten with free drinks! We were given a tart strawberry lemonade, a orange cream that tasted just like ice cream, a handmade root beer and two virgin strawberry daiquiris! I was in heaven, by getting whatever I wanted for no cost! 
    When our food came out I was practically full from all of my drinks. I loved my pizza, though I couldn't finish it,and Graham was pretty satisfied with his, he just wished his fish was a bigger portion. As soon as we finished that they put in our order for a Pizookie. A few minutes later, in a small cake pan, arrive a huge freshly baked chocolate chip cookie with ice cream on top. If I would have keeled over right there, I'd of died a very happy lady. My dessert was stupendously, ridiculously, marvelously delicious- was that enough adjectives to give it justice? (Just in case not--- amazingly, wonderfully, astonishingly spectacular!) I could not have lifted my spoon again had more food came out, I was positively stuffed! 

    Then the wait for our bill began. We were fairly sure my daiquiris (alcohol gratis) wouldn't cost but just out of curiosity. Lo and behold our check arrived- $0.00! Amazing. I realized how much we would have purchased on an ordinary day and it added to about 40$ (mostly due to all of the drinks). So they ran the debit card to tip our kind waitress as I filled out a survey with excellent reviews for the night. It sure was fun and, most importantly, free! 

    As we prepared to leave our tip Graham was given a receipt and a piece of complimentary chocolate. He was confused, so he asked me, "why do we owe .54$?" We died laughing once we figured it out. Of all things to pay for on a free night out, the 'complimentary' chocolate! Which we didn't mind, since they did allow us to have a great time. 

    Right after we left we stuck around the Airport area (the location of the new BJ's) since we are never there and basically spent the money we saved on food. But hey, I'm okay with that. My boy bought a new work shirt (that I picked out and LOVE) for himself. (Below is the photo of him at work wearing the shirt- isn't it darling?)

    I got a new pair of tennis shoes! It was kind of ironic to find a cute pair of Puma's that I've been searching for at this store. The best part? Their price ;) 

   So hats off to BJ's Restaurant and Brewery for this unexpected experience! It sure was a great one and I will be returning soon, I'd recommend you do the same.