Youtube's Finest

Monday, March 11, 2013

   Have any of you ever spent an obscenely amount of time doing nothing, all the while time is passing by without your knowledge? Well, yesterday that happened.
    I just got home from church, was lazing up in my bed when I found a video of a soldier surprising his children who didn't know he had come home early from a tour. Imagine their joy! I love our military men and women and I couldn't help but feel so sorry for their children who question for months if their parent will return. In tribute to their creativity, I deemed this the best compilation video I found came from this link. (Remember all of the RED words are links to other videos.) This went viral about 3 years ago, but I still was overcome with emotion as I rewatched it! Haha, so PLEASE have a box of tissues at your side before you watch. And don't think that you won't need them- tryna be all tough and whatnot. You're going to cry; just watch. Oh yeah, there is a scripture from the Pearl of Great Price at the end. :)
    After about an hour of those, I found pregnancy surprise videos. So, I did a little switch-a-roo and began watching video after video after video. My little head went to swimming with great ways to tell everyone when it happens! My favorite first time mother reminded me so much of myself. Just watch her and see if there are any similarities. This is precisely how I see myself acted when I plan to tell Graham: Happy New Mom. Then I began to think, well should only the first baby have a special announcement? Each kid needs their own entrance to the world! Baby number 2, might look a little like:  Big Sister! And, oh yeah, I hope Graham will scream with excitement like that Daddy! AHH I AM SO EXCITED EVEN IN THESE HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIOS. But I got big dreams, people. I want lots and lots and lots of babies. I want a swarm of brunettes with big ears that will carry on the family name, I want them bad. Literally living on a prayer that one day I can have my Mama's reaction be like this: There's another thing? That is right, bring on the twins. Although, that is highly unlikely since I don't have any closely related multiples :( A girl can dream, right!
    Anyways, I am a few years from babies right now (I'm not even married yet!) but it was so fun, emotional and hilarious to watch the way these girls did things! I hope everyone loves these videos the way that I did! :)

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Youtube's Finest

Monday, March 11, 2013

   Have any of you ever spent an obscenely amount of time doing nothing, all the while time is passing by without your knowledge? Well, yesterday that happened.
    I just got home from church, was lazing up in my bed when I found a video of a soldier surprising his children who didn't know he had come home early from a tour. Imagine their joy! I love our military men and women and I couldn't help but feel so sorry for their children who question for months if their parent will return. In tribute to their creativity, I deemed this the best compilation video I found came from this link. (Remember all of the RED words are links to other videos.) This went viral about 3 years ago, but I still was overcome with emotion as I rewatched it! Haha, so PLEASE have a box of tissues at your side before you watch. And don't think that you won't need them- tryna be all tough and whatnot. You're going to cry; just watch. Oh yeah, there is a scripture from the Pearl of Great Price at the end. :)
    After about an hour of those, I found pregnancy surprise videos. So, I did a little switch-a-roo and began watching video after video after video. My little head went to swimming with great ways to tell everyone when it happens! My favorite first time mother reminded me so much of myself. Just watch her and see if there are any similarities. This is precisely how I see myself acted when I plan to tell Graham: Happy New Mom. Then I began to think, well should only the first baby have a special announcement? Each kid needs their own entrance to the world! Baby number 2, might look a little like:  Big Sister! And, oh yeah, I hope Graham will scream with excitement like that Daddy! AHH I AM SO EXCITED EVEN IN THESE HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIOS. But I got big dreams, people. I want lots and lots and lots of babies. I want a swarm of brunettes with big ears that will carry on the family name, I want them bad. Literally living on a prayer that one day I can have my Mama's reaction be like this: There's another thing? That is right, bring on the twins. Although, that is highly unlikely since I don't have any closely related multiples :( A girl can dream, right!
    Anyways, I am a few years from babies right now (I'm not even married yet!) but it was so fun, emotional and hilarious to watch the way these girls did things! I hope everyone loves these videos the way that I did! :)

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