
Friday, March 8, 2013

    It's Friday! If you want to have an excellent friday, please click on the first sentence. Sit back, crank the speakers us and be thankful Rebecca Black has put an awkward smile upon your face by relishing in the same joyous day that you do!
    Seriously people, fridays are the best. No matter how the week has been, it is so great to let it end with a spectactular two- day holiday! But I have had a good week, despite dreading my schoolwork which is due THIS month! It is true that when it rains, it pours. Our have the wedding in 36 days, my school work is due at the end of this month and Graham's Series 7 test is next month- we are both getting run ragged. No one has any idea how thankful I will be when everything is complete. However, we are continually getting good news (answers to my prayers). Our mattress ordeal was solved, and we have just been approved to get into a rental property we are interested in! I can hardly contain my excitement! There is a silver lining to anything. Thank goodness for that!
     I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Haha! This is amazing.

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Friday, March 8, 2013

    It's Friday! If you want to have an excellent friday, please click on the first sentence. Sit back, crank the speakers us and be thankful Rebecca Black has put an awkward smile upon your face by relishing in the same joyous day that you do!
    Seriously people, fridays are the best. No matter how the week has been, it is so great to let it end with a spectactular two- day holiday! But I have had a good week, despite dreading my schoolwork which is due THIS month! It is true that when it rains, it pours. Our have the wedding in 36 days, my school work is due at the end of this month and Graham's Series 7 test is next month- we are both getting run ragged. No one has any idea how thankful I will be when everything is complete. However, we are continually getting good news (answers to my prayers). Our mattress ordeal was solved, and we have just been approved to get into a rental property we are interested in! I can hardly contain my excitement! There is a silver lining to anything. Thank goodness for that!
     I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Haha! This is amazing.

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