Sick Day

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Today has been a day I have looked forward to. It marked the one month mark for my wedding countdown! Also, I had made an appointment to get some dental work that I am eager to overcome (please forgive me for sounding super strange, I am pretty terrified of the multiple shots he ALWAYS gives).
    Six hours into this morning Listi, who I share a room with, turned the lights on as she got ready for Seminary. Typically I can sleep through just about anything (rainnstorms, bear maulings and the like)  but not today. I couldn't shut my eyes, I couldn't get everyone's voices out of my head, I couldn't do anything but lay there wide awake wishing I wasn't. Then it hit me- that rare feeling when you know you're going to be really, really sick. I don't know about anyone else but I have this disgusting salivating tongue thing happen, which is a sure sign that my day is going to be crappy. Sure enough all day I've been vomiting, sleeping and holding a rag over my own head.
   In short, I slept through my appointment. I haven't been able to complete the extensive amount of homework that I needed to do. I haven't been able to be ~productive~. Recently that a feeling that I love to have. How great is it when a daunting list is before you and you accomplish each task? Relish it, my friends, be thankful for your health and strength.
    Maybe Thoreau was right when he said, "tis healthy to be sick sometimes." On the plus side, it is only one month before my big move to Florida with my husband! I can hardly wait. Maybe by then I will have really cool stories to share that don't involve dental appointments :)

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Sick Day

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Today has been a day I have looked forward to. It marked the one month mark for my wedding countdown! Also, I had made an appointment to get some dental work that I am eager to overcome (please forgive me for sounding super strange, I am pretty terrified of the multiple shots he ALWAYS gives).
    Six hours into this morning Listi, who I share a room with, turned the lights on as she got ready for Seminary. Typically I can sleep through just about anything (rainnstorms, bear maulings and the like)  but not today. I couldn't shut my eyes, I couldn't get everyone's voices out of my head, I couldn't do anything but lay there wide awake wishing I wasn't. Then it hit me- that rare feeling when you know you're going to be really, really sick. I don't know about anyone else but I have this disgusting salivating tongue thing happen, which is a sure sign that my day is going to be crappy. Sure enough all day I've been vomiting, sleeping and holding a rag over my own head.
   In short, I slept through my appointment. I haven't been able to complete the extensive amount of homework that I needed to do. I haven't been able to be ~productive~. Recently that a feeling that I love to have. How great is it when a daunting list is before you and you accomplish each task? Relish it, my friends, be thankful for your health and strength.
    Maybe Thoreau was right when he said, "tis healthy to be sick sometimes." On the plus side, it is only one month before my big move to Florida with my husband! I can hardly wait. Maybe by then I will have really cool stories to share that don't involve dental appointments :)

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