Thoughtful Thursdays Wk. 2

Thursday, January 28, 2016

What inspired me this week?
Learning of others who express charity. I had a interview about volunteer hours in a local hospital; being the person I am, I signed up for the Infant Cuddler position (Yes, that is a thing. I start in about 2 weeks! I'm thrilled!). When it was time to find the day and hours that would work for me, I was told "Many of our volunteers have been with us for 20+ years, but we can find a place for you." 20 years? Oh to be known for having a good, charitable heart, bless these sweet people who donated so much of their time. One day I hope people will think that about me- I'm certainly not there yet ;)

Name one blessing I've seen this week.
I think I have achieved the closest point of nirvana as I can get with infertility. I have few moments of sadness, but generally I feel so neutral; I realize that I love my life the way it is. This is a major key (hats to DJ Khaled again) for living life with PCOS.

A goal I've achieved this week?
You know when someone makes a crazy question or statement- like to the point that you wish you could have recorded it and played it to other people so they know you aren't lying when you recap it? Yeah that kind. I heard one and didn't even giggle, nor smile, nor have any jaw dropping action. This is a goal, as one time Graham and I laughed until we cried heartily over another bizarre situation, I know it can appear to be cruel, if noted. But honestly, people gotta think before they spout off some lunacy :)

My response to a news article/topic?
Getting online always ends up being a deep, dark rabbit hole that pulls me under. I can't help but read one thing, then I find a similar link, how awesome is that? Then there's one with a differing view, I gotta know both sides- amiright!? And lookee here! The backstory of that same article, I gotta know for context purpose. This time it was the who played in the Harry Potter films. Graham and I are listening to the Audiobooks together, sorry I've said that 100 times lately, so they are on my mind. I've always despised the actual Daniel Radcliffe (he announced that he wasn't the least bit like Harry, except for that he would want an owl- heart.broken.) but after reading so much about him- he's growing on me! That and Alan Rickman. Man, I loved him. When we finish up I'm going to read the actual Severus Snape Wikipedia  page to him. It's fascinating! And why do I love fictional characters so much? Seriously, I need a grip on reality.

A goal/task I'm working on right now?
Throwing the ultimate (kinda-ish surprise) getaway weekend for Graham's birthday. My boo is going to turn 29 on Tuesday, so this weekend we are celebrating him. Btw, love him more than anything else, I'm nervous about how getting everything executed. I'll return with details later.

A conversation recap from G + Me?
*Graham's praying*
*Momentarily opened my eyes*
G: Please bless Lacey to be more reverent during the prayer.

Weekly Poll: Anyone watch the Face2Face Broadcast?
The Church puts out so many different forms of media that it's hard to keep up with them all. Luckily, my calling helps me to stay on track- for the most part. I was oddly struck by the Laurel asking about motherhood though, but then maybe it's never too early to prepare. (Okay, but seriously, why not ask a more pertinent Q?) Anyone else catch anything? Feel free to comment underneath or on the Facebook post.

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Thoughtful Thursdays Wk. 2

Thursday, January 28, 2016

What inspired me this week?
Learning of others who express charity. I had a interview about volunteer hours in a local hospital; being the person I am, I signed up for the Infant Cuddler position (Yes, that is a thing. I start in about 2 weeks! I'm thrilled!). When it was time to find the day and hours that would work for me, I was told "Many of our volunteers have been with us for 20+ years, but we can find a place for you." 20 years? Oh to be known for having a good, charitable heart, bless these sweet people who donated so much of their time. One day I hope people will think that about me- I'm certainly not there yet ;)

Name one blessing I've seen this week.
I think I have achieved the closest point of nirvana as I can get with infertility. I have few moments of sadness, but generally I feel so neutral; I realize that I love my life the way it is. This is a major key (hats to DJ Khaled again) for living life with PCOS.

A goal I've achieved this week?
You know when someone makes a crazy question or statement- like to the point that you wish you could have recorded it and played it to other people so they know you aren't lying when you recap it? Yeah that kind. I heard one and didn't even giggle, nor smile, nor have any jaw dropping action. This is a goal, as one time Graham and I laughed until we cried heartily over another bizarre situation, I know it can appear to be cruel, if noted. But honestly, people gotta think before they spout off some lunacy :)

My response to a news article/topic?
Getting online always ends up being a deep, dark rabbit hole that pulls me under. I can't help but read one thing, then I find a similar link, how awesome is that? Then there's one with a differing view, I gotta know both sides- amiright!? And lookee here! The backstory of that same article, I gotta know for context purpose. This time it was the who played in the Harry Potter films. Graham and I are listening to the Audiobooks together, sorry I've said that 100 times lately, so they are on my mind. I've always despised the actual Daniel Radcliffe (he announced that he wasn't the least bit like Harry, except for that he would want an owl- heart.broken.) but after reading so much about him- he's growing on me! That and Alan Rickman. Man, I loved him. When we finish up I'm going to read the actual Severus Snape Wikipedia  page to him. It's fascinating! And why do I love fictional characters so much? Seriously, I need a grip on reality.

A goal/task I'm working on right now?
Throwing the ultimate (kinda-ish surprise) getaway weekend for Graham's birthday. My boo is going to turn 29 on Tuesday, so this weekend we are celebrating him. Btw, love him more than anything else, I'm nervous about how getting everything executed. I'll return with details later.

A conversation recap from G + Me?
*Graham's praying*
*Momentarily opened my eyes*
G: Please bless Lacey to be more reverent during the prayer.

Weekly Poll: Anyone watch the Face2Face Broadcast?
The Church puts out so many different forms of media that it's hard to keep up with them all. Luckily, my calling helps me to stay on track- for the most part. I was oddly struck by the Laurel asking about motherhood though, but then maybe it's never too early to prepare. (Okay, but seriously, why not ask a more pertinent Q?) Anyone else catch anything? Feel free to comment underneath or on the Facebook post.

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