2015's Farewell

Thursday, December 31, 2015

    This past year we:

Went on our first cruise to the Bahamas for G's 28th,
I went on a girls trip to Charleston,
Welcomed our beloved niece into the family, 
Celebrated 2 years of marriage in Atlanta,
Graham started his Master's program,
We told our story of Infertility, 
We renewed our Disney Passes and went once a month,
We stayed in Milledgeville for a long weekend with friends,
We began going to a fertility specialist,
I went cruising with some family to celebrate Acey's graduation,
I began watching Echo,
We flew to Utah for a wedding and visited 3 national/state parks,
I cut my own hair (again),
We stayed at the beach with my family in St. Augustine,
I was extended a calling as Second Counselor in YW (again),
We visited Chicago with Graham's family,
We sent Acey on a mission and welcomed him back home soon after, 
Celebrated at Disney for my 24th,
Went to 3 concerts,
I fought through depression,
Graham maintained a 4.0,
We rented a cabin in the Smokies,
We grew exponentially in certain ways.

    2015! I can't say I'm not glad to see it go. This year has included lots of staying elsewhere to get away from home and the sadness I find there. There have been some joyous times in between the crummy. When I look at it in a grander scheme I realize it hasn't been a "bad year." But still, I won't miss it. I'm ready for 2016. I'm making a few resolutions or commitments but those are just for me. I've got to learn to keep more things private ;) Ok.... so I guess technically you all know at least thing I'm working towards. But don't hold me to it please, cause y'all know I'm hard headed and can barely keep my head above water- let alone not talk about it. And with that- farewell until next year! 

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2015's Farewell

Thursday, December 31, 2015

    This past year we:

Went on our first cruise to the Bahamas for G's 28th,
I went on a girls trip to Charleston,
Welcomed our beloved niece into the family, 
Celebrated 2 years of marriage in Atlanta,
Graham started his Master's program,
We told our story of Infertility, 
We renewed our Disney Passes and went once a month,
We stayed in Milledgeville for a long weekend with friends,
We began going to a fertility specialist,
I went cruising with some family to celebrate Acey's graduation,
I began watching Echo,
We flew to Utah for a wedding and visited 3 national/state parks,
I cut my own hair (again),
We stayed at the beach with my family in St. Augustine,
I was extended a calling as Second Counselor in YW (again),
We visited Chicago with Graham's family,
We sent Acey on a mission and welcomed him back home soon after, 
Celebrated at Disney for my 24th,
Went to 3 concerts,
I fought through depression,
Graham maintained a 4.0,
We rented a cabin in the Smokies,
We grew exponentially in certain ways.

    2015! I can't say I'm not glad to see it go. This year has included lots of staying elsewhere to get away from home and the sadness I find there. There have been some joyous times in between the crummy. When I look at it in a grander scheme I realize it hasn't been a "bad year." But still, I won't miss it. I'm ready for 2016. I'm making a few resolutions or commitments but those are just for me. I've got to learn to keep more things private ;) Ok.... so I guess technically you all know at least thing I'm working towards. But don't hold me to it please, cause y'all know I'm hard headed and can barely keep my head above water- let alone not talk about it. And with that- farewell until next year! 

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