When Life Gets You Down...

Friday, October 3, 2014

    The past two weeks have been one enormous vortex full of doom and gloom. My family, my own small one, has went through multiple things back to back that have been really strenuous! Seriously- uber demanding trials to try to trudge through... I'm not going to grocery list them, sometimes I feel that since I am blogging my life that I must too over-share. You know, lay out all the deets; but I definitely won't do that without feeling the consent of my loved ones, or my own for that matter.
    But it all seems to be laid on thick, all at once. And all locals know that when it rains in Jacksonville, it doesn't stop for days...
    It's been hard to try to feel, you know, happy while everything around us seems to feel moved from the careful crevices due to some unknown harsh storms (too much of this same analogy?) Writing it any differently can't change that though. I have thought and reworded and erased and retyped. But life seems to be somewhere deep in the pits, much farther than seems necessary.
    But my Sunday will come.To anyone with a difficult situation our Sunday will come.These rough days are hopefully setting sail with new, enjoyable adventures to embark on.
    If you're praying folk, I beseech you to think of those who are struggling with some formidable situations or tasks. Sometimes, faith is more necessary than breathing.

    Through all of the trials I must go through, at least I have you.

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When Life Gets You Down...

Friday, October 3, 2014

    The past two weeks have been one enormous vortex full of doom and gloom. My family, my own small one, has went through multiple things back to back that have been really strenuous! Seriously- uber demanding trials to try to trudge through... I'm not going to grocery list them, sometimes I feel that since I am blogging my life that I must too over-share. You know, lay out all the deets; but I definitely won't do that without feeling the consent of my loved ones, or my own for that matter.
    But it all seems to be laid on thick, all at once. And all locals know that when it rains in Jacksonville, it doesn't stop for days...
    It's been hard to try to feel, you know, happy while everything around us seems to feel moved from the careful crevices due to some unknown harsh storms (too much of this same analogy?) Writing it any differently can't change that though. I have thought and reworded and erased and retyped. But life seems to be somewhere deep in the pits, much farther than seems necessary.
    But my Sunday will come.To anyone with a difficult situation our Sunday will come.These rough days are hopefully setting sail with new, enjoyable adventures to embark on.
    If you're praying folk, I beseech you to think of those who are struggling with some formidable situations or tasks. Sometimes, faith is more necessary than breathing.

    Through all of the trials I must go through, at least I have you.

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