I, for one, am exceptionally humbled to have a father like mine. A man who started working at 14, with a strong sense of work ethic. A man who became a father when he was 20, still excited to start this part of life. A man who loved children and was thrilled to have a big family, who counted his 4 kids as his greatest blessings. A man who pushed me to always go to church, who told me how important it would be to me. A man who always said I should work hard so I could gain an education. A man who taught the values I hold dear today, to respect a family who sacrificed. A man who has always loved me more than he could vocalize. A man who I admire, need and love. Jacob Mizell, I'm so glad you're my daddy.
Happy father's day to you! I'm always counting my lucky stars for the family I was born into. I hope you have an amazing day. I can't wait see you; I love you so much.
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