I love the fact that everyone is sharing "Things About Me" on Facebook! I am learning so much that I didn't know about my family and friends. So I decided I would write out a few of my own! Disclaimer: I may be viewed as strange after this.
1. I absolutely detest cold weather. Any day of the week I would prefer the heat! My lips stay chapped, my nose gets red and my hands stay cold all winter long, no matter how I try to fix it.
2. One of my favorite things is to plan surprises! The one drawback is that I get so excited I practically give it away before I can pull the surprise off.
3. Apparently I exhibit too many PDA tendencies. I don't mean full blown make out session, but little kisses or hugs- Graham does not usually let this happen.
4. My favorite month is October! My birthday month, it has a gorgeous birth stone and Halloween all in one.
5. I really want to be more physically active but I am so lazy! I enjoy tasks that sneakily use fun as an excuse for exercise, such as: zumba, yoga, etc.
6. I truly admire women, or men for that matter, that can quickly hop in the kitchen and have a gourmet meal made from scratch. For the sake of my future family, I aspire to become like that one day. As for now, I am stuck to Instant Rice and Quick Grits.
7. In fourth grade I was entered into the spelling bee. I lost on the word: charcoal. I though of my new brother Granger Cole and promptly spelt it: c-h-a-r-c-o-l-e. I did not win that year.
8. I sometimes feel guilty about having so many social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Blogger). It is even more difficult for me to control myself by not checking each of them constantly.
9. I am not a "go-getter" in most situations. I usually use Graham when important or difficult issues arrive. It is true that I don't often try to address issues because I know that I will inevitable allow some to take advantage of me! I definitely prefer to be the dainty girl in the backdrop.
10. I have the stupidest phobia ever, which I realize, but truly can't seem to shake. I am terrified of frogs and toads. Literally, I am scared to death if one of them catches me by surprise. It is a legitimate phobia, called Randiphobia, but I only know two other people who feel similarly.
11. I'm not certain whether I like small towns (Douglas) or big cities (Jacksonville) more. I love all of the glitz that comes with Jacksonville, any restaurant or store imaginable, most within a few miles but I also relish in the calm, easy way of living in Douglas.
12. There is no telling about Graham and I with children. We are on totally different pages on just about every subject about them. I would like to have them in roughly 2 years, he wants to wait 5. I would like 4-5 kids, he prefers 2. I love the baby stage, he wants teenagers! (Seriously, does anyone besides him want the teenage stage?)
13. I always find myself in horribly awkward situations. Like the time I went to another city to see a friend at work, only to find out later that I was in the wrong city. And of course I waved at someone who I thought was my friend! (I am pretty certain I did not have my contacts in- silly me.) So embarrassingly wrong.
14. My faith in Jesus Christ helps me in so many ways. It helps me have faith in humanity, makes me be more productive, seek after good things. I can't even hardly put it into words. I desperately hope that I can be seen as a Disciple of Christ to others, but most importantly to myself.
15. DIY crafts bring me immense joy. I really love making wonderful things, it brings me joy and confidence that I can be skillful!
16. My truest, most faithful companion is my husband. Sometimes I find myself terribly lonely, but feel so blessed to have him as a friend. I would always pick him over anyone else!
17. I love taking photographs- not necessarily artsy ones, but rather candid ones with crazy faces and moving backgrounds. I have well over 1,500 pictures on my phone from only 7 months.
18. I can't help but smile when I wake up to a note Graham has written, when he opens the door to my car or when he comes home with a bouquet of roses. The idea of being romanticism is alive and well with me.
18. Did you guys realize I just did number eighteen? I actually did it on accident. Sometimes I don't like to correct my mistakes :)
20. I feel very proud of my Associate's degree. (I was barely 20 when I received it). I am still working on my Bachelor's and hope to get a Master's eventually.
21. I am the worst morning person. I set at least 4 alarms daily (with the ringer on high). I usually give myself 10-20 minutes to finish my morning rituals, brush my teeth and eat breakfast.
22. I really hope to be able to adopt at least one child. I would like to be able to have a culturally diverse (was that PC?) son. If I couldn't have any on my own this would definitely be the route I would take.
23. I usually feel as if moving away was the best thing for me. It was very scary at first, can be very lonely at times, but it makes me value all that I have back "home." I think I have become more independent and finally turned into an adult.
24. I joined the soccer team in eleventh grade specifically so I could earn a Letterman's jacket. (I did! Cross country also helped my endeavor.) I grew to love that sport, even if I never amounted to anything! My heart still beats fast when anyone asks me to play.
25. All of my intermediate family and I share so many funny personal stories only we can get.... Listi falling through the door, Granger on his sixth birthday, Acey proclaiming he was a man, the sandwich I made for Daddy, Mama's tooth escapade. I die laughing any time those stories those brought up!
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