I will say that growing up I had lots of misconceptions about "keeping the Sabbath day holy," and it is still something I have yet to perfect. With the encouragement of my husband, we very rarely spend any money on a Sunday. (Occasionally we will if we get into a pickle and need gas to get home, but for the most part we are pretty faithful in that aspect.) However, we are exceptionally skilled in the art of 'resting' and typically take a 1-2 hour nap after our usual church day. After we wake up it is usually just a lazy day where we do a little picking up, snack on whatever is in the house, visit family and put on a movie as we lay on the pull out bed...
I mainly wrote this blog just out of curiousity towards y'all's Sabbath. Not everyone believes in the 10 Commandments of course- and if not this blog post isn't particularly applicable to you- but I wonder what people think about their Sunday. I, for one, question watching television or movies, albeit we don't watch any rated R or horror movies. Still, I usually feel guilty afterwards- is it acceptable to watch movies? I an not sure how I feel about this topic... And, this may be slightly more extreme but I had a lady at church share that her Grandmother cooked all of her meals on Saturday, just because she didn't find it appropriate to cook on Sunday. Is that so? I have not heard any doctrine on that, but there certainly is the possibility that it is there. Is it acceptable to clean? Eek, so many questions.
So, as I ponder these things I think about my agency, my right to choose. To me, it is one of the greatest gifts I can imagine our Heavenly Father giving to us. We choose whether we attend church, or keep the Sabbath day holy, it's all our own choice. How hard was it to give a gift that some of us will inevitable abuse? I can not imagine!
But anyways, I am absolutely feeling the spirit of Thanksgiving early by being filled with gratitude. I think for now I will take my nap, then study about how I can better keep Sabbath. I am so grateful for each of you who reads my blog and encourages me to write- it helps me in so many ways. It is my wish that everyone has a joyful day!
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