It's my birthday!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

     Hi everyone! Anyone checked out the date yet? Oh right! It’s MY BIRTHDAY! This is just one of those days that I love coming around- much like Halloween and Christmas. Today at 10am- definitely can not remember the exact time- I turned the daunting 22 years old.

    Call me as many foul names as you like, but I have really dreaded it- not because of everything that a birthday entails, but rather the oddness associated with 22. It shows that I have surpassed all of the anticipated birthdays such as 16, 18 or 21- the next big age is 30. Eek, I’m not ready for 30 yet! Alas, my one saving grace is Taylor Swift. I have been a non-crazed Swifty since the very first song I remember barreling out from her. She alone sings to me on this day, letting everyone know how being 22 feels. “Happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time… it’s miserable and magical- oh yeah.” Thank you, Taylor. (Click that link to watch the actual video.)

    Now that I have addressed that, let me get to the heart of this: I love, with every ounce of my being, my wonderful and amazing husband. He spoils me so! Since last Thursday I’ve been really pushing my “Birthday Week” (who wants to celebrate for just a single day?) and he has been willing to oblige. Friday (Oct. 18th) we traveled to Georgia to see my family since I wouldn’t see them for my actual birthday; a Wednesday birthday kind of stinks! Saturday he got a haircut, to compliment my new hair color (the blonde with a kind of auburn? I’m not entirely sold on it yet) and a fresh mani! Sunday, after church, I ended up going to visit my aunt’s dock with Graham- only to find a slew of people ready to celebrate my birthday, surprise-party style. It turned out G called and asked them to plan something so I would be happy! And I certainly was; my face absolutely lit up to see a handmade red velvet cake with cream cheese icing made from delightful hands of my Mama. Ironically enough, Saturday night I told him it was surprising that no one paid any attention to the fact that it was soon to be my birthday all weekend, despite coming home for that same reason! My words, “do I have to throw a party for myself?”

    Ladies and gents, that was simply a introduction into the wonderful world of surprises Graham has had in store for me! Tuesday afternoon I had food cooking on the oven, a smile on my face and Kings of Leon jamming out behind me when Graham asked me not to cook. I did pitch a, say, slight fit considering it was nearly finished as he asked me. So I ended up ziplocking everything for Wednesday, figuring at least I could save myself the effort on my birthday. So en route to Institute, I was candy crushing (sigh- I do detest this game) as he rambled on about the intense traffic, yada yada yada. As time went on, I noticed we were on a different side of town from where we supposed to be going! It turned out that Graham had planned another surprise party with the Alexander’s. Longhorn provided the best mac-and-cheese of all time, even a complimentary birthday sundae! 

    Today, my actual birthday, I woke up to a paper trail of “Happy Birthday” letters leading towards the door. And, not to be materialistic, but I did anticipate a treat at the end of this trek- nay, nothing. But it was a cute start to a good morning. I went in to work 30 minutes later than usual, a novelty in itself. After typical work day, minus my phone dying at 11:40am (phoneless until 4:30 ugh) I came home. Graham surprised me yet again with a massive pumpkin, a carving book and three birthday balloons. He remembered that I told him that I can’t recall ever carving one! I enjoyed my girls in Faith in God, particularly our frozen yogurt treat! And lastly, I just walked around Downtown Jacksonville with my husband. It was so beautiful, we just leaned up again the railings talking about all of the changes that have happened to us…

    21 was just such a great year for me- it was the start to a whole new life. I was engaged 3 days after my birthday, married 5 months and 2 weeks later, I moved out on my own, I just became a real adult. I wouldn’t change a single thing about that year; I’m sad for it to go. But I feel so thankful to have the start of a new one- maybe even better than the last.
    I'm still not finished celebrating either! This weekend Graham has an undisclosed location set out for us to go to, I am dying to find out! And hopefully a present to boot! It means so much to see all of the effort he has put forth for me in honor of my birthday!
   And I must say, I have been touched by the overwhelming amount of love and appreciation I am received on my special day from my family and friends. Seriously, I feel so remarkably blessed. Thanks so much to everyone who took the time out of their busy lives to think of me- you have made my day brighter.

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It's my birthday!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

     Hi everyone! Anyone checked out the date yet? Oh right! It’s MY BIRTHDAY! This is just one of those days that I love coming around- much like Halloween and Christmas. Today at 10am- definitely can not remember the exact time- I turned the daunting 22 years old.

    Call me as many foul names as you like, but I have really dreaded it- not because of everything that a birthday entails, but rather the oddness associated with 22. It shows that I have surpassed all of the anticipated birthdays such as 16, 18 or 21- the next big age is 30. Eek, I’m not ready for 30 yet! Alas, my one saving grace is Taylor Swift. I have been a non-crazed Swifty since the very first song I remember barreling out from her. She alone sings to me on this day, letting everyone know how being 22 feels. “Happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time… it’s miserable and magical- oh yeah.” Thank you, Taylor. (Click that link to watch the actual video.)

    Now that I have addressed that, let me get to the heart of this: I love, with every ounce of my being, my wonderful and amazing husband. He spoils me so! Since last Thursday I’ve been really pushing my “Birthday Week” (who wants to celebrate for just a single day?) and he has been willing to oblige. Friday (Oct. 18th) we traveled to Georgia to see my family since I wouldn’t see them for my actual birthday; a Wednesday birthday kind of stinks! Saturday he got a haircut, to compliment my new hair color (the blonde with a kind of auburn? I’m not entirely sold on it yet) and a fresh mani! Sunday, after church, I ended up going to visit my aunt’s dock with Graham- only to find a slew of people ready to celebrate my birthday, surprise-party style. It turned out G called and asked them to plan something so I would be happy! And I certainly was; my face absolutely lit up to see a handmade red velvet cake with cream cheese icing made from delightful hands of my Mama. Ironically enough, Saturday night I told him it was surprising that no one paid any attention to the fact that it was soon to be my birthday all weekend, despite coming home for that same reason! My words, “do I have to throw a party for myself?”

    Ladies and gents, that was simply a introduction into the wonderful world of surprises Graham has had in store for me! Tuesday afternoon I had food cooking on the oven, a smile on my face and Kings of Leon jamming out behind me when Graham asked me not to cook. I did pitch a, say, slight fit considering it was nearly finished as he asked me. So I ended up ziplocking everything for Wednesday, figuring at least I could save myself the effort on my birthday. So en route to Institute, I was candy crushing (sigh- I do detest this game) as he rambled on about the intense traffic, yada yada yada. As time went on, I noticed we were on a different side of town from where we supposed to be going! It turned out that Graham had planned another surprise party with the Alexander’s. Longhorn provided the best mac-and-cheese of all time, even a complimentary birthday sundae! 

    Today, my actual birthday, I woke up to a paper trail of “Happy Birthday” letters leading towards the door. And, not to be materialistic, but I did anticipate a treat at the end of this trek- nay, nothing. But it was a cute start to a good morning. I went in to work 30 minutes later than usual, a novelty in itself. After typical work day, minus my phone dying at 11:40am (phoneless until 4:30 ugh) I came home. Graham surprised me yet again with a massive pumpkin, a carving book and three birthday balloons. He remembered that I told him that I can’t recall ever carving one! I enjoyed my girls in Faith in God, particularly our frozen yogurt treat! And lastly, I just walked around Downtown Jacksonville with my husband. It was so beautiful, we just leaned up again the railings talking about all of the changes that have happened to us…

    21 was just such a great year for me- it was the start to a whole new life. I was engaged 3 days after my birthday, married 5 months and 2 weeks later, I moved out on my own, I just became a real adult. I wouldn’t change a single thing about that year; I’m sad for it to go. But I feel so thankful to have the start of a new one- maybe even better than the last.
    I'm still not finished celebrating either! This weekend Graham has an undisclosed location set out for us to go to, I am dying to find out! And hopefully a present to boot! It means so much to see all of the effort he has put forth for me in honor of my birthday!
   And I must say, I have been touched by the overwhelming amount of love and appreciation I am received on my special day from my family and friends. Seriously, I feel so remarkably blessed. Thanks so much to everyone who took the time out of their busy lives to think of me- you have made my day brighter.

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