Sappy and Happy

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

    Hi everyone!  Just to let ya'll know. I feel so annoyed with myself! I planned to post a little surprise video on here for all to see, since so few were able to watch this. I imagined everyone watching bug eyed and with broad smiles, all in honor of this reveal on my blog! Well I accidentally made it public on my Mama's profile so half of the people I wanted to see it for the first time have already watched it. Ugh. So anyways, October 26th 2012 was a life changing day for me! I planned to do this on the date's anniversary, but we ended up being out of town that day! So here it is, a few days shy, but worth the wait in my opinion. Click the link to watch!

    How about that? I am so thankful to have that moment captured forever. There is, of course, some history behind this. Graham and I had talked about getting married (seriously talked about it) after we'd been dating about two months, yet we made a pact to not be the stereotypical LDS couple who married after 3 months- that just wasn't for us. It was decided  that we needed at least a year to decide if we were meant to be. Trust me, it didn't take me a year to figure it out! After some time I was so eager to get married, while Graham was scared to death of this big commitment, but he said he loved me. Then three months into our relationship we took another step by checking out at wedding rings, while knowing it would be somewhere in the distant future. We talked and planned and had a few arguments on our life together- where will we live? would he find a job? could I finish school?
     After seven months he secretly bought my ring. I'm amazed that he was able to keep it a secret from me- he is so talkative, like myself. In typical Graham- fashion, he lost the ring several times! He teased me a few times that he might have a ring for me in the glove box, and as curious as I was, I never gave in to check. (He did have it in there!) Then, our one year anniversary came and boy, did I just know it was time! Nope, he didn't even get me a gift at all! ;) On my birthday a few weeks later, he made my night by coming to town as a surprise- after a horrible day. It was then that he literally chased down my Daddy to ask for his blessing- a prerequisite of mine. He didn't really get a blessing, but he didn't get rebuked either. (C'mon ya'll, I am my Daddy's little girl! His firstborn!)
    Finally, after we had been dating a year and two weeks (as well as 3 days after my birthday) this happened at the Alhambra here in Jacksonville. I'd recommend it for anyone! Graham suggested an idea and they ran with it! They went above and beyond to ensure that we had a special night. And it sure was :) One that I will never be able to forget!

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Sappy and Happy

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

    Hi everyone!  Just to let ya'll know. I feel so annoyed with myself! I planned to post a little surprise video on here for all to see, since so few were able to watch this. I imagined everyone watching bug eyed and with broad smiles, all in honor of this reveal on my blog! Well I accidentally made it public on my Mama's profile so half of the people I wanted to see it for the first time have already watched it. Ugh. So anyways, October 26th 2012 was a life changing day for me! I planned to do this on the date's anniversary, but we ended up being out of town that day! So here it is, a few days shy, but worth the wait in my opinion. Click the link to watch!

    How about that? I am so thankful to have that moment captured forever. There is, of course, some history behind this. Graham and I had talked about getting married (seriously talked about it) after we'd been dating about two months, yet we made a pact to not be the stereotypical LDS couple who married after 3 months- that just wasn't for us. It was decided  that we needed at least a year to decide if we were meant to be. Trust me, it didn't take me a year to figure it out! After some time I was so eager to get married, while Graham was scared to death of this big commitment, but he said he loved me. Then three months into our relationship we took another step by checking out at wedding rings, while knowing it would be somewhere in the distant future. We talked and planned and had a few arguments on our life together- where will we live? would he find a job? could I finish school?
     After seven months he secretly bought my ring. I'm amazed that he was able to keep it a secret from me- he is so talkative, like myself. In typical Graham- fashion, he lost the ring several times! He teased me a few times that he might have a ring for me in the glove box, and as curious as I was, I never gave in to check. (He did have it in there!) Then, our one year anniversary came and boy, did I just know it was time! Nope, he didn't even get me a gift at all! ;) On my birthday a few weeks later, he made my night by coming to town as a surprise- after a horrible day. It was then that he literally chased down my Daddy to ask for his blessing- a prerequisite of mine. He didn't really get a blessing, but he didn't get rebuked either. (C'mon ya'll, I am my Daddy's little girl! His firstborn!)
    Finally, after we had been dating a year and two weeks (as well as 3 days after my birthday) this happened at the Alhambra here in Jacksonville. I'd recommend it for anyone! Graham suggested an idea and they ran with it! They went above and beyond to ensure that we had a special night. And it sure was :) One that I will never be able to forget!

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