2011 Saga: Part 2

Thursday, September 19, 2013

    Two years and one day ago I met the man who would be my husband. However, right after we met I left the state of Florida to get to school the next morning. That night I ended up getting on Facebook and added many of the people I had met. 
    As I was supposed to be taking a few notes in my Political Science class (ironically, Graham's major) I began to relive the YSA Conference. People, I live for these kinds of things. I thought of the dances, hanging out late and even the powerful message at church. My mind wandered and -hold the phone- I forgot to add the boy from church! He was not on the Facebook event list that I added everyone from. I picked out a scrap sheet of paper and jotted his name down, hoping to jog my memory. 
    As that class ended, my best friend Nicole and I went to our next Macroeconomics class. The pain and torture I had to endure during that class was not enough apparently, because we has homework due that evening. I was frustrated because I had to submit it before I picked up my brother to take him to the doctor. So off to the computer lab Nicole and I headed.
    I tried hard to focus and get my work done but inevitably Facebook became too much of a temptation and I logged in. I alternated between doing my homework and scrolling through my news feed. After a minute I read the name I had written down! So I searched Facebook and found him. I went ahead and sent him a quick friend request. Less than ten seconds later he added me! Now, I must insert this- Graham does not get on Facebook, he doesn't ever check his account, neither did he have an iPhone to alert him for a request; He just happened to be on- a miracle in itself ;)

    We liked a few of each other's photos, then he sent me a message. This is how things played out...
    I did not hear from him after our messages. Also, my pone number had changed since then ;)
    To be continued...

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2011 Saga: Part 2

Thursday, September 19, 2013

    Two years and one day ago I met the man who would be my husband. However, right after we met I left the state of Florida to get to school the next morning. That night I ended up getting on Facebook and added many of the people I had met. 
    As I was supposed to be taking a few notes in my Political Science class (ironically, Graham's major) I began to relive the YSA Conference. People, I live for these kinds of things. I thought of the dances, hanging out late and even the powerful message at church. My mind wandered and -hold the phone- I forgot to add the boy from church! He was not on the Facebook event list that I added everyone from. I picked out a scrap sheet of paper and jotted his name down, hoping to jog my memory. 
    As that class ended, my best friend Nicole and I went to our next Macroeconomics class. The pain and torture I had to endure during that class was not enough apparently, because we has homework due that evening. I was frustrated because I had to submit it before I picked up my brother to take him to the doctor. So off to the computer lab Nicole and I headed.
    I tried hard to focus and get my work done but inevitably Facebook became too much of a temptation and I logged in. I alternated between doing my homework and scrolling through my news feed. After a minute I read the name I had written down! So I searched Facebook and found him. I went ahead and sent him a quick friend request. Less than ten seconds later he added me! Now, I must insert this- Graham does not get on Facebook, he doesn't ever check his account, neither did he have an iPhone to alert him for a request; He just happened to be on- a miracle in itself ;)

    We liked a few of each other's photos, then he sent me a message. This is how things played out...
    I did not hear from him after our messages. Also, my pone number had changed since then ;)
    To be continued...

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