Wednesday, then Thursday, lastly Friday

Monday, June 10, 2013

    Wednesday I shared the fact that I am now a Faith in God Girls leader! (I am pretty sure I am the assistant leader however) I serve with my sister in law Kipin;  we are determined to be diligent to this calling after skipping our first week together, accidentally of course. In our defense they only meet every two weeks and we are busy, forgetful girls :/ Oh the shame.... anyways. Since she is still traveling abroad a few notorious places in Europe, I was solely in charge of the week.
My girls!
    So I don't have too many memories of the types of activities we did in FIGG, which used to be known as Achievement Day Girls, besides having a small colorful book with items to check mark. To my knowledge this book no longer exists, if it does please forgive me as you correct me ;) So the best thing I could think of was to google ideas!  All sorts of adorable ideas popped up! There were mock tea parties (featuring juice), wonderful baking experiences and spiritual sleepovers, (let that one sink in) all in the name of LDS 8, 9, 10 and 11 year-olds. As I sifted I felt a little drawn to a certain topic and eventually began the process to have a fun lesson for the girls.
    Scripture Superheroes! Each of us who read probably have at least one person in the scriptures who seems extraordinaire above the rest.  Personally, I have about 76.
Cape Bookmarks!
     We began by a quick word of prayer and the opening song of "Scripture Power" - this song was perfect for the lesson but everyone on the room could only remember the chorus! Talk about an awkward 90 seconds for each of us. Afterwards I began to draw, more embarrassingly that the singing, on the board and asked the girls to guess who I was drawing. My stick figure gradually bloomed into a eye mask wearing cape bearer, in resemblance of a superhero. Lucky for me one of the girls guessed it! So I began to explain a lesson and read an excerpt from President Ezra Taft Benson, discussing heroes and heroines.  Then each girls was given a sheet of paper with instructions to write "I CAN BE LIKE MY SCRIPTURE SUPERHERO" on the top and bottom.  Then each girl had to hand draw their number one superhero! On the back they listed their "superpower." It was very sweet to have each girl read who they felt drawn towards and why they were super.
    After this part I have each girl a bookmark in the shape of a cape which read "How I can be like my scripture superhero." The Spirit was evident when they wrote down personal ways to improve themselves to become like their Superhero: one wrote down that she wanted to be courageous like Daniel and play kickball without being afraid of losing another wanted to be a good example at school like Joseph Smith...
Mine has a red cape. No judgement.
     Lastly we had a small party with cookies and popcorn to help write down a list of ideas they would like to do later on in the year. (Pajama parties! Temple trips! Make cookies!)
    All in all I felt that it was a great hour I get to know these girls better. And I can't deny that it made me so excited to hear what the kids (at 10 and 11 years old) know! It testifies that they are learning at their parents' and leaders' feet. I felt so inspired to continue on with this new calling. I hope to be able to continue to share new experiences that I have with them.
    By the way here is the link to the original website that idea came from. ( This one is much more cool and theme-oriented. But I didn't  have a printer to get all of her coolio superhero things with :(

    Fixing to play catch up, while vastly off the previous topic.This past Thursday and Friday were oodles of fun. I secretly made the plan to go to a salon to whack off my hair and color the rest. Well I just couldn't stand the wait, so I researched hair colors and lengths all the while trying to imagine how each would look. I nixed the idea of a pixie and Graham forbade that I go after a darker hue. So finally I decided medium length (short hair might shock me into a coma considering I never felt comfortable with it on me) and blonde highlights, since my pitch-black eyebrows made me feel weird going too light. So Thursday was my salon appointment and I just couldn't wait! I even bragged to the baby I nanny for, multiple- um- times. Well last Tuesday was a rough day. Didn't accomplish a few things at work, came home and felt overwhelmed. Then I thought about how pricey a haircut and color would be so I did the unthinkable... I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut it myself! I did a pretty dang good job, if I can say so myself. I even let my sweet husband go back and trim up the ends. He almost had a panic attack, willfully refusing but I stood my ground, and he survived it, all the while doing a great job for his first hair trim! Now I didn't go crazy enough to color my hair, I went with my appointment on that one. I think it came out with the color looking great, you know being as humble as I can when I say that haha. I am just excited about a new change! I haven't had hair this short since 6th grade! And this was my first (successful) time dyeing my hair- so I feel like a new woman. Watch out work blondeish Lacey is taking the bull by the horns. Sidenote: the salon charged $85 for a half head of highlights is that a good deal or not?

All nose! My Before.
Less nose, right? My after.

    Friday was our first official "date night" since we have been married. Since we are both busy during the week I begged for a little down time to just have Graham&Lacey time like the old days. So Friday it is- supposedly weekly. This weekend we went to Adventure Landing near Jax Beach at 6pm- 10pm for a discounted 13$ a person! Our quest was the water park; luckily, it was just so fun. The two of us had a great time and stayed until it closed at 10 (I assumed we would want to leave way earlier... Puh-lease! Graham was not wasting his money, my precious tightwad). I would recommend anyone going!  

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Wednesday, then Thursday, lastly Friday

Monday, June 10, 2013

    Wednesday I shared the fact that I am now a Faith in God Girls leader! (I am pretty sure I am the assistant leader however) I serve with my sister in law Kipin;  we are determined to be diligent to this calling after skipping our first week together, accidentally of course. In our defense they only meet every two weeks and we are busy, forgetful girls :/ Oh the shame.... anyways. Since she is still traveling abroad a few notorious places in Europe, I was solely in charge of the week.
My girls!
    So I don't have too many memories of the types of activities we did in FIGG, which used to be known as Achievement Day Girls, besides having a small colorful book with items to check mark. To my knowledge this book no longer exists, if it does please forgive me as you correct me ;) So the best thing I could think of was to google ideas!  All sorts of adorable ideas popped up! There were mock tea parties (featuring juice), wonderful baking experiences and spiritual sleepovers, (let that one sink in) all in the name of LDS 8, 9, 10 and 11 year-olds. As I sifted I felt a little drawn to a certain topic and eventually began the process to have a fun lesson for the girls.
    Scripture Superheroes! Each of us who read probably have at least one person in the scriptures who seems extraordinaire above the rest.  Personally, I have about 76.
Cape Bookmarks!
     We began by a quick word of prayer and the opening song of "Scripture Power" - this song was perfect for the lesson but everyone on the room could only remember the chorus! Talk about an awkward 90 seconds for each of us. Afterwards I began to draw, more embarrassingly that the singing, on the board and asked the girls to guess who I was drawing. My stick figure gradually bloomed into a eye mask wearing cape bearer, in resemblance of a superhero. Lucky for me one of the girls guessed it! So I began to explain a lesson and read an excerpt from President Ezra Taft Benson, discussing heroes and heroines.  Then each girls was given a sheet of paper with instructions to write "I CAN BE LIKE MY SCRIPTURE SUPERHERO" on the top and bottom.  Then each girl had to hand draw their number one superhero! On the back they listed their "superpower." It was very sweet to have each girl read who they felt drawn towards and why they were super.
    After this part I have each girl a bookmark in the shape of a cape which read "How I can be like my scripture superhero." The Spirit was evident when they wrote down personal ways to improve themselves to become like their Superhero: one wrote down that she wanted to be courageous like Daniel and play kickball without being afraid of losing another wanted to be a good example at school like Joseph Smith...
Mine has a red cape. No judgement.
     Lastly we had a small party with cookies and popcorn to help write down a list of ideas they would like to do later on in the year. (Pajama parties! Temple trips! Make cookies!)
    All in all I felt that it was a great hour I get to know these girls better. And I can't deny that it made me so excited to hear what the kids (at 10 and 11 years old) know! It testifies that they are learning at their parents' and leaders' feet. I felt so inspired to continue on with this new calling. I hope to be able to continue to share new experiences that I have with them.
    By the way here is the link to the original website that idea came from. ( This one is much more cool and theme-oriented. But I didn't  have a printer to get all of her coolio superhero things with :(

    Fixing to play catch up, while vastly off the previous topic.This past Thursday and Friday were oodles of fun. I secretly made the plan to go to a salon to whack off my hair and color the rest. Well I just couldn't stand the wait, so I researched hair colors and lengths all the while trying to imagine how each would look. I nixed the idea of a pixie and Graham forbade that I go after a darker hue. So finally I decided medium length (short hair might shock me into a coma considering I never felt comfortable with it on me) and blonde highlights, since my pitch-black eyebrows made me feel weird going too light. So Thursday was my salon appointment and I just couldn't wait! I even bragged to the baby I nanny for, multiple- um- times. Well last Tuesday was a rough day. Didn't accomplish a few things at work, came home and felt overwhelmed. Then I thought about how pricey a haircut and color would be so I did the unthinkable... I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut it myself! I did a pretty dang good job, if I can say so myself. I even let my sweet husband go back and trim up the ends. He almost had a panic attack, willfully refusing but I stood my ground, and he survived it, all the while doing a great job for his first hair trim! Now I didn't go crazy enough to color my hair, I went with my appointment on that one. I think it came out with the color looking great, you know being as humble as I can when I say that haha. I am just excited about a new change! I haven't had hair this short since 6th grade! And this was my first (successful) time dyeing my hair- so I feel like a new woman. Watch out work blondeish Lacey is taking the bull by the horns. Sidenote: the salon charged $85 for a half head of highlights is that a good deal or not?

All nose! My Before.
Less nose, right? My after.

    Friday was our first official "date night" since we have been married. Since we are both busy during the week I begged for a little down time to just have Graham&Lacey time like the old days. So Friday it is- supposedly weekly. This weekend we went to Adventure Landing near Jax Beach at 6pm- 10pm for a discounted 13$ a person! Our quest was the water park; luckily, it was just so fun. The two of us had a great time and stayed until it closed at 10 (I assumed we would want to leave way earlier... Puh-lease! Graham was not wasting his money, my precious tightwad). I would recommend anyone going!  

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