Paris Pt. I

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    PARIS! I was here in France feeling as if I was having an outer-body experience. Can it be? Little me in Paris (must be said with a French accent, as to make a rhyme). Oui, oui!
    We arrived by train the morning after we arrived in Europe. We were raring to go do anything! We spent some time on the Metro, which truly was very simple and easy to navigate, found our delightful AirBnB that we had reserved and we were off! The day was cloudy with possible showers expected in the evening, but we were in Paris so who cared?! The first thing we were dying to see was the Eiffel Tower, okay, first and last thing we saw every single day was the Tower :)
    I had underestimated its' size, it was so glorious and gorgeous, the areas surrounding it were so whimsical with the greenery. Don't miss the chance to ride up to the Summit. What's fascinating is that the Parisians are so adamant about their city staying in the same vintage, romantic city that it is- they won't allow skyscrapers and more modern architecture to be put up (at least not without the ability to complain so much they remove it later). Alas, they didn't get the memo beforehand to the builder of the one lone skyscraper in the city, and afterwards it was too hard to remove, so it was really weird to see it sticking out like a sore thumb. Okay, so you get the picture: wonderful city, fantastic buildings everywhere, view from the Eiffel Tower was picturesque. 
    After milling around at the top for as long as possible, we came down to just keep on staring at it! Seriously, we were so transfixed. We grabbed a yummy supper that included Duck Confit, homemade fries (French fries in France... though they aren't French) and warm Camembert cheese with bread. Since the weather was holding out we decided to cash in our river cruise tickets to float along the Siene in the dark. Everything was swell, G and I were in Paris, front and center on the top of the deck on a huge ship about about to give us the details on everything. Did I say that we were in Paris? My dream city? And then the downpour began, a heavy flow and a wideset- anyways. It was bad enough that we had to get on the lower deck. Of course everyone was chattering so we didn't get to have a real tour, but instead just enjoyed the architecture as we rode past it. It took us 3 days to get our shoes to dry out. 
    And after the cruise ended, in conjuction with the rain, of course, we walked towards home. As we crossed the bridge, I looked over at the river and for about 10 seconds I saw the most breath-taking treat of the dazzlement of the sparking Eiffel Tower, twinkling into the night. 

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Paris Pt. I

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    PARIS! I was here in France feeling as if I was having an outer-body experience. Can it be? Little me in Paris (must be said with a French accent, as to make a rhyme). Oui, oui!
    We arrived by train the morning after we arrived in Europe. We were raring to go do anything! We spent some time on the Metro, which truly was very simple and easy to navigate, found our delightful AirBnB that we had reserved and we were off! The day was cloudy with possible showers expected in the evening, but we were in Paris so who cared?! The first thing we were dying to see was the Eiffel Tower, okay, first and last thing we saw every single day was the Tower :)
    I had underestimated its' size, it was so glorious and gorgeous, the areas surrounding it were so whimsical with the greenery. Don't miss the chance to ride up to the Summit. What's fascinating is that the Parisians are so adamant about their city staying in the same vintage, romantic city that it is- they won't allow skyscrapers and more modern architecture to be put up (at least not without the ability to complain so much they remove it later). Alas, they didn't get the memo beforehand to the builder of the one lone skyscraper in the city, and afterwards it was too hard to remove, so it was really weird to see it sticking out like a sore thumb. Okay, so you get the picture: wonderful city, fantastic buildings everywhere, view from the Eiffel Tower was picturesque. 
    After milling around at the top for as long as possible, we came down to just keep on staring at it! Seriously, we were so transfixed. We grabbed a yummy supper that included Duck Confit, homemade fries (French fries in France... though they aren't French) and warm Camembert cheese with bread. Since the weather was holding out we decided to cash in our river cruise tickets to float along the Siene in the dark. Everything was swell, G and I were in Paris, front and center on the top of the deck on a huge ship about about to give us the details on everything. Did I say that we were in Paris? My dream city? And then the downpour began, a heavy flow and a wideset- anyways. It was bad enough that we had to get on the lower deck. Of course everyone was chattering so we didn't get to have a real tour, but instead just enjoyed the architecture as we rode past it. It took us 3 days to get our shoes to dry out. 
    And after the cruise ended, in conjuction with the rain, of course, we walked towards home. As we crossed the bridge, I looked over at the river and for about 10 seconds I saw the most breath-taking treat of the dazzlement of the sparking Eiffel Tower, twinkling into the night. 

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