October in Georgia

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Love my G!
    Prepare for a shocking statement: Believe it or not, infertility is not the only thing going on in my life these days. Yep, I know, you wouldn't think that by my most recent writings. But, it's true. And sometimes I feel like I'll throw up if I have to write that term once more, but please don't hate me if I do. Moving along!
    Friday night we went to our ward's Trunk or Treat. We ate queso and chili, decorated our trunk on behalf of the costumed children, helped run the donut-on-a-string game and showed off our gaudy costumes. It was great! The kids snatched all 5 bags of candy from us as they skipped off towards more people passing out variants of Skittles and Twix. It brought back many memories of a younger me, who lived for the sugar that came with this day of the year.
    The moment we were done, we left for my old home. Going to Georgia used to happen every 3rd weekend when we were newlyweds; it was just like clockwork. Then we were given callings, made friends or just became busy by other things required of us on the weekends, so it's trickled off a great deal. I still go home enough that I consider it frequent, but not so often that I don't always have a jam- packed schedule to see everyone. Last weekend was no different! 
    We spent the day roaming all over to see family, I visited my friend Nicole's parents, we met baby Xander for the first time, we went to Bentley's 1st birthday party, we helped my youngest cousins trick or treat. Doing all these things in 12 hours is exhausting! Especially when I kept thinking that we had to leave that evening to make it back to church. In order to check off the list, we truly were running things on a tight schedule. I have to remind myself that I look forward to all of the craziness :) 
    Going home is full of a slew of memories and emotions, after all I did spent 21 and a half years there. I still have to remember how I left there as a young adult without intentions of returning. It was so brave, a very huge feat for me! However, I love my Floridan home, it's forced me to become more self- reliant and to become my own person. But every once in a while I'll long for rural Georgia. For the place that I think I'll always call my true home.

Trunk or Treat


Baby Xander!

Bentley Rose before the Cake Smash

Trick or Treating

Kellan despised wearing his wig! So Graham wore it for him (notice photo above)


  1. I love your costumes!! Did you make them? Also, I know we've probably talked about this before but where in GA are you from? We are going to be there for the holidays and it would be the coolest thing ever if we could meet up!!! ♡

    1. Thanks lady! Well I bought the dress and had to add the feather sleeves and added some bling near the bottom. Then I made the headdress and added some things to the fedora. Graham's costume was pieced together via thrifting! So kinda sorta :)
      And southeast GA! Where will you be? Around when? That would be awesome!!


October in Georgia

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Love my G!
    Prepare for a shocking statement: Believe it or not, infertility is not the only thing going on in my life these days. Yep, I know, you wouldn't think that by my most recent writings. But, it's true. And sometimes I feel like I'll throw up if I have to write that term once more, but please don't hate me if I do. Moving along!
    Friday night we went to our ward's Trunk or Treat. We ate queso and chili, decorated our trunk on behalf of the costumed children, helped run the donut-on-a-string game and showed off our gaudy costumes. It was great! The kids snatched all 5 bags of candy from us as they skipped off towards more people passing out variants of Skittles and Twix. It brought back many memories of a younger me, who lived for the sugar that came with this day of the year.
    The moment we were done, we left for my old home. Going to Georgia used to happen every 3rd weekend when we were newlyweds; it was just like clockwork. Then we were given callings, made friends or just became busy by other things required of us on the weekends, so it's trickled off a great deal. I still go home enough that I consider it frequent, but not so often that I don't always have a jam- packed schedule to see everyone. Last weekend was no different! 
    We spent the day roaming all over to see family, I visited my friend Nicole's parents, we met baby Xander for the first time, we went to Bentley's 1st birthday party, we helped my youngest cousins trick or treat. Doing all these things in 12 hours is exhausting! Especially when I kept thinking that we had to leave that evening to make it back to church. In order to check off the list, we truly were running things on a tight schedule. I have to remind myself that I look forward to all of the craziness :) 
    Going home is full of a slew of memories and emotions, after all I did spent 21 and a half years there. I still have to remember how I left there as a young adult without intentions of returning. It was so brave, a very huge feat for me! However, I love my Floridan home, it's forced me to become more self- reliant and to become my own person. But every once in a while I'll long for rural Georgia. For the place that I think I'll always call my true home.

Trunk or Treat


Baby Xander!

Bentley Rose before the Cake Smash

Trick or Treating

Kellan despised wearing his wig! So Graham wore it for him (notice photo above)


  1. I love your costumes!! Did you make them? Also, I know we've probably talked about this before but where in GA are you from? We are going to be there for the holidays and it would be the coolest thing ever if we could meet up!!! ♡

    1. Thanks lady! Well I bought the dress and had to add the feather sleeves and added some bling near the bottom. Then I made the headdress and added some things to the fedora. Graham's costume was pieced together via thrifting! So kinda sorta :)
      And southeast GA! Where will you be? Around when? That would be awesome!!
