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Right before we parted ways from our first date. |
I know everyone loves their spouse and all, but I just think mine is some kind of special. I write about him a lot (yeah, I've heard it before) but here I am again with my fav topic- Grahammy! Our "how we met" has been an ongoing saga, one day going to be correctly cataloged onto this little blog. This is a tiny sliver of the story of that, but mostly my thoughts on the Mr. G. S. Alexander.
For starters, reading the thoughts of a younger you is fascinating. I came across an old journal with preteen scribbles about wanting a tall, dark haired, handsome man who would be hard working, worthy of the Priesthood and that would love me. Talk about hitting the nail on the head. And to find him at 19 years old- fresh out of puberty and high school? It's almost too much to take in sometimes.
His personality instantly drew me in me. I truly did know he was different from all the rest whenever we got into our first phone conversation. Remember- the one that lasted FOUR HOURS. People! I had just met him, briefly, 3 days prior. Surprisingly enough, we didn't have any of the awkward small talk, we both loved to talk to the other. Growing up in two jarringly different realms we had much to learn. The more we spoke I gathered that he was witty, spiritual, determined and full of life. He captivated me, hook line and sinker.
The day we planned to meet up for a first (double) date, my cousin and I arrived at the Mall two hours before him. My nerves were shot! I could hardly stand it. If he didn't get there soon I was going to lose it. Then I got a call that he was at the Mall, walking around Old Navy with his friend. All my excitement was now rivaling nausea. Whenever we got in the store it took us a minute to find them, and I remember seeing their backs to us. I knew that I had to get their attention but I was so stressed out that this date wouldn't go as perfectly as what I hoped. I thought he was remarkable and I wanted him to think the same about me. I remember taking a few seconds to gain my confidence before walking up behind him and calling his name. When he turned around with his wild hair and bright eyes, you'd of thought I was on a date with a movie star.
In person I began to see other traits in him: compassion, faithfulness, confidence. There wasn't even the slightest strain of aloofness, we just had chemistry. And I ate it up. Being my own greatest downfall, I almost felt like I couldn't measure up to him. After all, I admired him for being so well rounded. He could spout off information about a famous piece of artwork he studied years before, toss our scriptural references and throw in bits about The Walking Dead- who was this guy? He made me feel like I had much to learn.
At the movie theater, he felt like the moment for our first kiss had arrived. He leaned across, but I was not expecting it, so that kiss was very subpar and anticlimatic. G, never one to back way from a challenge said, "Wait, I can do better than that! I'll knock your socks off." A giggle and an eye roll. But that's him, for ya, always striving to be the best.
But as we dated further he would compliment me on things that I had worked hard on. He told me how much he loved how strong my testimony was, he would built up my 'hobbies' as true skill. I remember him telling me that he knew that when we ended up together I would always be the one to make sure we would have our priorities in the right place. It made me feel more sure that, frankly, this was heading to the alter.
All of this to say, I find so much strength in our marriage. We are alike, we are different. Our relationship has been real, none of this "we're blissful 24/7" (except maybe the glossed over newly wed stage-ha). But hands down- I feel happier than I ever expected.
Last night, I became extremely emotional thinking of our last 4 years! It has passed so fast. As much as I know about it, I will never get a realistic grasp on how quickly time goes. These times have felt fun and hard and powerful. Between moments of sitting on the couch watching Mad Men, booking plane tickets to some destination, driving up to Georgia for the millionth time, holding hands as we wait for the doctor to give us news, sleeping in crummy motels, taking walks where we don't have one moment of silence, finding love notes around the house- it just feels like growing up with my best friend in all the world! All I can ask for is to continue to be with him. And I think that I need to gain perspective about not having children currently- I still get to have one-on-one time with my boy. We get to travel without the added stress. We are able to relate, in different ways, to other childless couples. We are still happy. We will continue to be that way too.
Graham, I love you. I've been plumb proud to be your girl since day 1. You are the coolest person in all the galaxy. I love getting to spend every single day with you!
XOXO, Lacey
PS- You still knock my socks off ;)
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