Maximum Overload?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

    Hello friends in Blogland. I guess recently I just haven't had the desire to write too much; I'm still kicking, but sometimes I feel so swamped. 
You know, it's inevitable. My life right now consists of 100 ever- changing things. I don't know about the rest of you but the older I get the more stressed I get! I always seem to have a few daunting loads of laundry, a stacking pile of homework, a few lessons I need to prepare, a hundred occasions to get things in order for, along with working every week day... I just can't stand the thought of having one more thing to worry about sometimes!
     I try really hard to be positive, but sometimes it gets to be so grueling. How do you guys deal with everything? I really fantasize about being one of those "well put together people" with their home, career and life all in place. Just a thought, I particularly admire you parents- I will never know how you do it all. 
    Ultimately, my main concern is that there are too many things going on that require my full attention right now. I want an easy solution, yet I can't diminish anything from my schedule. I guess sometimes it is more worthwhile to just get over feeling overwhelmed and move on. 
    Quick story: Several years ago I was hauling in another load of laundry from the laundry room complaining incessantly that I had to, once again, fulfill my household chore of folding the laundry. I moaned about how I truly despised doing the laundry, how annoying it was to day-after-day have more clothes to tend to, how irate the job made me, how I wished I could buy more clothes instead of washing old ones. I can not seem to forget my Mama, the protagonist to my antagonist, in this memory. She looked me square in the eye and told me that I mine as well get over the belly aching because that was one thing that would always need to be done.... And so it is with many other things, I suppose.
   Ugh. So anyways, that's what I am thinking during this hour on this day.  I'm not depressed. I'm not homesick. I'm content with my life. But sometimes, sometimes I simply wish I had more time, more energy, more of everything. 

    Somedays are just bad. But, I am glad that at the end of any bad day I can always rely on someone to tell me to take life "little by little." I love you, Graham. I don't know how I lived without you. 

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Maximum Overload?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

    Hello friends in Blogland. I guess recently I just haven't had the desire to write too much; I'm still kicking, but sometimes I feel so swamped. 
You know, it's inevitable. My life right now consists of 100 ever- changing things. I don't know about the rest of you but the older I get the more stressed I get! I always seem to have a few daunting loads of laundry, a stacking pile of homework, a few lessons I need to prepare, a hundred occasions to get things in order for, along with working every week day... I just can't stand the thought of having one more thing to worry about sometimes!
     I try really hard to be positive, but sometimes it gets to be so grueling. How do you guys deal with everything? I really fantasize about being one of those "well put together people" with their home, career and life all in place. Just a thought, I particularly admire you parents- I will never know how you do it all. 
    Ultimately, my main concern is that there are too many things going on that require my full attention right now. I want an easy solution, yet I can't diminish anything from my schedule. I guess sometimes it is more worthwhile to just get over feeling overwhelmed and move on. 
    Quick story: Several years ago I was hauling in another load of laundry from the laundry room complaining incessantly that I had to, once again, fulfill my household chore of folding the laundry. I moaned about how I truly despised doing the laundry, how annoying it was to day-after-day have more clothes to tend to, how irate the job made me, how I wished I could buy more clothes instead of washing old ones. I can not seem to forget my Mama, the protagonist to my antagonist, in this memory. She looked me square in the eye and told me that I mine as well get over the belly aching because that was one thing that would always need to be done.... And so it is with many other things, I suppose.
   Ugh. So anyways, that's what I am thinking during this hour on this day.  I'm not depressed. I'm not homesick. I'm content with my life. But sometimes, sometimes I simply wish I had more time, more energy, more of everything. 

    Somedays are just bad. But, I am glad that at the end of any bad day I can always rely on someone to tell me to take life "little by little." I love you, Graham. I don't know how I lived without you. 

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