Christmas! It is only 6 days away... Is anyone's mouth hanging open as their mind frantically scrambles to realize how this has happened- or is that just me? (Virtual sigh) I am not even finished Christmas shopping for everyone yet. I am not prepared for this happy season to end, either. In fact, I think we (as in Graham and I) have really celebrated it with style! I've decided to dedicate this post to our various merriment.
-Disney's Christmas activities. You already know I love it, but they truly go all out for Christmas! We had a blast looking at Cinderella's castle and the dancing lights at Hollywood Studios- well worth the visit.
-Christmas movies. The sheer number we have played! Almost nightly Graham and I have laid up on the couch reminiscing as we watched a few classics: Frosty the Snowman (please note that I drank out of a Frosty cup as we watched), How the Grinch stole Christmas, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, etc etc.
-Hot Chocolate! Being the chocolate lover that I am, duh, this has been happening since the weather has began to turn cooler. Actually the best "recipe" I have (through trial and error) made is as follows: boil water, after boiling remove from heat whilst allowing 5 minutes to cool, pour into cup with two packets of cocoa, swirl, and lastly add a hearty amount of whipped cream on top for added flavor. Voila, the perfect holiday drink.
-Christmas earrings! Flashback: as a little girl I was fascinated that my Mama has two dangling glass Santas for jewelry; I wore them during the Christmas season when she wasn't. All of these thoughts rushed into my head as I happened to come across these babies, and was not willing to pass them up! C'mon, it is little Christmas tree ornaments!!
-Ice skating! Okay, here is the truth: I have always wanted to go ice skating, but as I grew up in Georgia, followed by a move even further south, I did not have high hopes for this- until- yes, lo and behold, an ice rink less than 5 minutes from our apartment! I was very timid at first, considering I have busted my tail in roller skating so many times, although I am a decent skater. Well, it turned out to be very similar and I was (excuse my pompousness) awesome for it to be my first time. After a little bit of skating, my confidence grew as I whizzed past Graham, won a race and even was able to skate backward (it's just like roller skating!). I had so much fun, even though during the last ten minutes I became too brash as I danced towards Graham and fell hard! I was so shame that I didn't even realize how bruised up my knees were from landing on them until the next day.
-Christmas wrapping. I usually enjoy wrapping gifts, particularly if I am wrapping a gift I purchased, but this year I feel so much more- girly? I don't know. I am trying my best to make each of my presents look as attractive as possible. Each has pretty paper, bows, ribbons, matching name tags. It has been so fun getting creative with it.
-Service. I feel as if I constantly emulate my lack of compassion and, in turn. service. It's very true, I find no need to put on airs when I shouldn't. Yet, I am immensely proud that Graham, my family and I have been able to provide other with various types of service during this Christmas season. "It is better to give than to receive," has been a phrase I have heard in many occasions, and Ivan say that that certainty does seem true.
-Christmas lights. Not just any Christmas lights, might I add, trees lined with them in St Augustine. We went on a triple date earlier this month to see te lights and it was so nostalgic. Last year Graham and I went to take Engagement pictures there during all of the festivities. Anyways, the massive Christmas trees, the candy cane stripped gazebo, a goose on a leash with a tuxedo, it just feels to dainty and homey. We went off on an excursion to the Fort afterwards, we even managed to take a few sweet pictures.
-I became a brunette. To Graham's dismay and my joy, I have successfully colored my hair, though it does appear to be one shade too dark. Then again, I think I am having difficulty remembering after 6 months of light hair.
-I cried with Kellan. Ha! This little man makes me so happy. I was able to spend lots of time with him on my last trip home, hallelujah! He is simply a perfect baby with the jaws only the heavens could of placed on him.
-Christmas concerts. Graham's beloved Grandma Cathy is apart of a choir which offered a special Christmas convert, full of caroling and testifying of the divinity of Christ's humble birth. It was pretty amazing witnessing a 70 year old blind man improv a song on the piano after a member in the audience shared a 10 second Christmas story. The only downside was that I didn't realize that I should have dressed nicer; I ended up wearing skinnies with one of Graham's sweaters, oops. We had so much fun though, and we appreciate you inviting us Cathy!
-Graham's work Christmas lunch. Weird, huh? But his company had a midday lunch where he was allowed to invite family; I was grateful to be able to switch my hours at work to be able to go! Although before going I received a message from him saying: "Hey try to look nice (I know you do anyway, but just make sure to get the squirrels out of your hair and the crusties out of your eyes. Lol, Renee (a coworker) wants to meet you."
-Christmas attire. You know the kind: hideous beyond all reason. After we were invited to a Ugly Christmas Sweater party it was crucial that I find something worthwhile. Did I hardly succeed? Graham's shirt would sing of pressed and, my shirt had little my embellished Santas, while my dress was patterned after a tree. It'll be hard to top that next year.
I am so in love with this time of year. I dread for it to pass! But in the meantime I will savor it for the next six days....
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