So everyone who has read my blog knows a few things about me: I was just a talkative girl from Georgia who fell in love with a quirky Floridian. We were engaged after a year and it was decided I would move to Florida. Graham had a nice job, I was going to college online, things just worked out. We found an apartment, we were wed on April 13th, everything was more perfect that could possibly be planned.
And then April 19th Graham found out he lost his job. We had been married 6 days- we hadn't even had our second reception yet! But there we were, both jobless and on our own. Neither of us have felt very comfortable sharing this story with others- I would think many of my close family and friends would be surprised if they read this. When the subject is brought up, it seemed like everyone was shocked and looked at us with disdain- as if we weren't ready for marriage at all. In all the honesty I can relay, it is true that we were not worried when it happened. Now that doesn't mean we were happy about it or wanted it to occur, by any means. We had tried our best to do everything the right way, and knew we were not going to be left alone. It is also true that Graham and I have an intense faith that Heavenly Father would not forsake us. We hoped something would work out soon, but we had no doubt that eventually something would.
In case anyone is wondering, we did not go on a traditional honeymoon at this time.We planned to go on a cruise, but with our finances so insecure we decided to hold off. We did go on day trips to Disney, which wasn't too far or costly. We tried o live frugally as possible- generally we just stayed at home together. (While I love my dear baby boy, I can say that it was sometimes an overkill to be together nonstop. Trust me, married or not, people need their own space sometimes.)
May rolled over and nothing had changed. Graham woke up each day and applied to numerous places. He dedicatedly tailored his resume for each job, asked about interviews, then follow up interviews and would persistently call to touch bases. Meanwhile our first set of bills came in, luckily there were not many. Even better, we had both saved a good deal from our previous jobs- but who wishes to use all of their savings up in the first month of marriage?
So we paid what we owed and prayed that things would work out swiftly. I can not speak for G, but I can for myself- while I knew things were going to get better I did find myself stressing at times. I hope it doesn't seem as a severe lack of faith, although I did succumb to the "natural (wo)man."
Then mid-May I applied for a nannying position. A nervous wreck, I met up with two different women for two successful interviews. I was thrilled to have a week long trial period to see if I was a good fit. By the end of the week I was invited to work permanently, 30 hours a week with great pay. I was beyond ecstatic to accept. Later on, I found out that the family had went through several nannies who didn't fit the bill. I was amazed- certainly it wasn't my actions that helped me really stand apart. I knew that was a blessing.
The day that I started my job Graham was extended an offer for an excellent position, one which would build his resume and pay above his previous job. We were awe struck. How did we both manage to go from jobless to employed in less than a week? Easy answer: we were blessed because we had the faith. I know things do not always go as planned-Hey, just retread this post if necessary- But I do know things will work out if we are truly doing what is right. If we have faith in our Heavenly Father's plan and live by that, things will always work out.
This experience was another addition to my ever growing testimony. When I find myself dreading another work week or even lazing around on a day like today I think back on those times... It makes me so happy to see how far we have progressed in that one simple aspect. I love my job, I love my husband, I love my relationship with Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. If anyone doubts their love, I can promise it is there! I am eternally happy because of it.