Quirks of Mine

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

    I often think how everyone has their own quirks... Is there a single person who doesn't have a strange way or two? If so, I certainly haven't met them. But there is nothing wrong with it! Nay, it is fun to see how different everyone is! I certainly know that I have my own unique (or weird if that is how you see it) tendencies. 

1. I have a world famous "stank eye." This only occurs in the most volatile of situations. It is done to another person (typically G) to show disproval of an action or statement or as warning to a swift kick to the shins. It may be seen multiple time in one sitting. The following is the "stank eye":

2. I take lots of pictures of myself. I know, I know- totally weird. My blog is filled with them, I use the term "selfie" to subscribe them. It's a crying shame. BUT the worse is finding the root of those photos. You know, those middle school photos with caterpillar eyebrows, an obvious arm stating oh-wow-I-took-this-myself and some sad attempt at a fashionable clothes like wearing a tie to school (oh whyyy). I cringe at the very thought! Usually I don't mind shaming myself by posting outlandish photos, but this is even too much for me. Just use your imagination, I mean, if you're just dying for a visual.

3. I'm a total cheapskate- to the point where it gets awkward. When I am feeling extra cheap the homeless and less fortunate better forget it. They ain't getting a dime. Even on a personal level, I dread spending money on a gallon of milk for family or buying a meal when a friend has left their wallet. This quality sucks and I loathe it, but I just can hardly seem to help it, it comes so natural! My saving grace is my husband- who is frugal yet filled with compassion. Otherwise there would not be a single individual with whom I would willing part money.

    Well now everyone knows a little bit more about me. I am sure you all wanted to know everything I've just said! Ha, I realize that my blog is totally self- centered. I don't mean for it to be this way, but I just know so much more about myself that everyone else. As a quick side note, I am having so much fun exploring "adulthood"... All the time I feel like a kid suddenly thrown into the real world. Bills, house cleaning, traveling, living with my husband- every day seems to bring something new. 

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Quirks of Mine

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

    I often think how everyone has their own quirks... Is there a single person who doesn't have a strange way or two? If so, I certainly haven't met them. But there is nothing wrong with it! Nay, it is fun to see how different everyone is! I certainly know that I have my own unique (or weird if that is how you see it) tendencies. 

1. I have a world famous "stank eye." This only occurs in the most volatile of situations. It is done to another person (typically G) to show disproval of an action or statement or as warning to a swift kick to the shins. It may be seen multiple time in one sitting. The following is the "stank eye":

2. I take lots of pictures of myself. I know, I know- totally weird. My blog is filled with them, I use the term "selfie" to subscribe them. It's a crying shame. BUT the worse is finding the root of those photos. You know, those middle school photos with caterpillar eyebrows, an obvious arm stating oh-wow-I-took-this-myself and some sad attempt at a fashionable clothes like wearing a tie to school (oh whyyy). I cringe at the very thought! Usually I don't mind shaming myself by posting outlandish photos, but this is even too much for me. Just use your imagination, I mean, if you're just dying for a visual.

3. I'm a total cheapskate- to the point where it gets awkward. When I am feeling extra cheap the homeless and less fortunate better forget it. They ain't getting a dime. Even on a personal level, I dread spending money on a gallon of milk for family or buying a meal when a friend has left their wallet. This quality sucks and I loathe it, but I just can hardly seem to help it, it comes so natural! My saving grace is my husband- who is frugal yet filled with compassion. Otherwise there would not be a single individual with whom I would willing part money.

    Well now everyone knows a little bit more about me. I am sure you all wanted to know everything I've just said! Ha, I realize that my blog is totally self- centered. I don't mean for it to be this way, but I just know so much more about myself that everyone else. As a quick side note, I am having so much fun exploring "adulthood"... All the time I feel like a kid suddenly thrown into the real world. Bills, house cleaning, traveling, living with my husband- every day seems to bring something new. 

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