
Sunday, February 24, 2013

    Guess who's back, back, back , back agaiiin? Ugh I am such a nerd. Sidenote for potential readers, you may be interested to know that I have an extremely self- depricating humor. It's kind of awkward because generally that isn't a quality I enjoy for my companions to have, but I find myself making derogatory remarks often enough that I have resolved to stop. So now that you guys know that on to the good stuff!
   My weekend. Oh my glorious weekend. Everyone loves them right? The vast majority of the work force is off, lots of laziness is involved and everyone is in an eerily happy mood. All of these things are cool and all, but I kind of obsess over them for a different reason- MY SWEET ANGEL COMES TO TOWN. That's right, baby boy Graham drives that beloved Camry over the Florida-Georgia line straight on to my heart, every single weekend. This blog, for all those worried, will not be an ode to my favorite boy, but sometimes it is crucial to mention him when explaining! So, anway, my weekend finally arived. I have been tickled pink over my Engagement Party. Little uncouth Lacey had never even heard of an Engagment Party before, so I was pretty honored to be the center of one. Basically it is a gathering of families for both of the engaged prior to the wedding. My sweet Aunt Sharon and Uncle Joey offered to use their home for our shenanigan which we gladly accepted. On the day of the Party, Graham came to Douglas with a small posse of his own: his grandparents, parents, brother and sister- in- law. I was in tow with my own family who, being much bigger, consisted of three Grandmothers, my parents, my three siblings, three cousins, four aunts and three uncles. I had a wonderful time!! I can't express my feelings for our two families accurately- I absolutely couldn't have asked for better people. 
    So Saturday = Success.
    Sunday was toned way down... Anyone been paying attention to the weather lately? It's driving me nuts. It's either freezing cold in the morning only to lead to a stifling midday temperature or raining enough to wash out the dirt roads. (This is a huge deal- I live on a dirt road people! With a Volkswagen!)  But Sunday, the precious Sabbath day, I opened the door to hear  quintessential birds singing and the sun brightly shining. That describes my day to a T: Perfect. Simply began by being with Graham, then attended church, and ended it by watching movies with my  family. I can't think of anything better.

Dear weekend, I can hardly wait for you to return!

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

    Guess who's back, back, back , back agaiiin? Ugh I am such a nerd. Sidenote for potential readers, you may be interested to know that I have an extremely self- depricating humor. It's kind of awkward because generally that isn't a quality I enjoy for my companions to have, but I find myself making derogatory remarks often enough that I have resolved to stop. So now that you guys know that on to the good stuff!
   My weekend. Oh my glorious weekend. Everyone loves them right? The vast majority of the work force is off, lots of laziness is involved and everyone is in an eerily happy mood. All of these things are cool and all, but I kind of obsess over them for a different reason- MY SWEET ANGEL COMES TO TOWN. That's right, baby boy Graham drives that beloved Camry over the Florida-Georgia line straight on to my heart, every single weekend. This blog, for all those worried, will not be an ode to my favorite boy, but sometimes it is crucial to mention him when explaining! So, anway, my weekend finally arived. I have been tickled pink over my Engagement Party. Little uncouth Lacey had never even heard of an Engagment Party before, so I was pretty honored to be the center of one. Basically it is a gathering of families for both of the engaged prior to the wedding. My sweet Aunt Sharon and Uncle Joey offered to use their home for our shenanigan which we gladly accepted. On the day of the Party, Graham came to Douglas with a small posse of his own: his grandparents, parents, brother and sister- in- law. I was in tow with my own family who, being much bigger, consisted of three Grandmothers, my parents, my three siblings, three cousins, four aunts and three uncles. I had a wonderful time!! I can't express my feelings for our two families accurately- I absolutely couldn't have asked for better people. 
    So Saturday = Success.
    Sunday was toned way down... Anyone been paying attention to the weather lately? It's driving me nuts. It's either freezing cold in the morning only to lead to a stifling midday temperature or raining enough to wash out the dirt roads. (This is a huge deal- I live on a dirt road people! With a Volkswagen!)  But Sunday, the precious Sabbath day, I opened the door to hear  quintessential birds singing and the sun brightly shining. That describes my day to a T: Perfect. Simply began by being with Graham, then attended church, and ended it by watching movies with my  family. I can't think of anything better.

Dear weekend, I can hardly wait for you to return!

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