What is a missionary? What will she be doing? Where will she go?
A young man at age 18 or a young woman at age 19 who is eligible to serve a LDS mission is called a 'missionary,' in other words- individuals who volunteer to be representatives of the LDS Church who engage variously in proselytizing, church service, humanitarian aid, and community service. The most basic part of her job will be to testify about Jesus Christ's divinity, his Atonement, and the Restoration of his Church. In addition to this, she will serve in multiple capacities to the people she will be in communication with, the local church she will be going to and the region to which she will live. She will be assigned a location from somewhere throughout the world through revelation, gained after fasting and prayer from our church's leaders. Simply put, her picture will show up on a screen and she will be handpicked to the location the Lord desires her efforts. She will not pick a specific location, but is hoping to stay stateside!
Click this link to see all of the possible missions Listi could be sent to!
Too, there is a possibility that she will be sent to learn another language, even if she stays in the States! If so she will spend an additional 6+ weeks at the Missionary Training Center (MTC), the place where missionaries have a quick chance to learn Missionary-esque skills. I have heard several, recent stories of those called to serve in the US with Spanish speaking missions who were sent to Mexico's MTC due to overcrowding- so she may get a chance to leave the country yet. Her mission papers will tell her when, where she will report to and what mission she will serve in shortly. We think she should know a definite local in two weeks, I am way more excited about the 'where' than even Listi is! I can hardly wait!
Our family is so exceptionally proud, thrilled even, that she has chosen such an honorable decision. I must say that this is our intermediate family's first ever sister missionary, and only second missionary! (The last being Luke who came home July 2000.) So we are all trying to learn the ropes of what an individual must do in order to be ready for a mission, and trust me when I say there is LOTS to do! I'm trying to assist where I can, to help out, and all day Saturday was spent with just Listi and I shopping for clothes she could bring.
See, almost everything the "elders" (male missionaries) and "sisters" (female missionaries) will do or will wear has strict guidelines. Being a missionary is not easy. They have a daily schedule, daily routines including exercising, scripture study, companionship inventory (Graham eyeroll's this one constantly), tracting, inviting, teaching, searching, serving- they're always on the go. Sisters will exclusively wear dresses or skirts, Elders don suits and ties and everyone always has a clip on name tag proclaiming their representation of our faith. They are only allowed to write home on their personal day (once a week), and are only permitted calls on Mother's Day and Christmas. She is expected to serve for 18 months like this.
It doesn't even sound easy to me as I write it behind a keyboard! So why is there currently over 83,000 of these individuals worldwide? I think, the majority of them are still in the mission field because they care enough about people to help them to gain an understanding of the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
I didn't serve a mission, but my Graham did, and I see how it has positively shaped his life.
I didn't serve a mission, but I will still shout hurray! from the rooftop til my sister returns with honor.
I didn't serve a mission, but my family can still reap the benefits from my husband & sister's decision to go.
Listi, I want to write just a few things, exclusively to you.
#1.) Our family loves you so much, we've loved you long before this decision, but hope that you will remember this on your hardest days.
#2.) You are bringing honor to our name. No matter where you go, we hope that our own Sister Mizell, you!, will continue to thrust in your sickle like never before.
#3.) We are going to try our best to keep everyone updated here, we'll try to send you weekly emails and boxes full of sweets, but hope you will forget all of these small things and throw yourself into the work.
#4.) Remember to be kind to all you see, your companions, investigators, ward members- we hope they'll love and care for you when we can't.
#5.) After you've gave your all, after lots of trial and lots of joy, we desire for you to return home with honor.
#6.) We just really love you.